@Chicago Blackhawks

Stanley Ketchel vs Jack Johnson

Couple of seconds (18) from that legendary bout(includes both knockdowns).


  1. the end of the fight where they both got dropped looks staged. ketchel telegraphed the punch. johnson knew it was coming. and then in the end where ketchel immediately goes down

  2. Johnson broke ketchel's front teeth at the gum line with one shot; they were in his glove after the punch. Jack Johnson was the best heavyweight of all time.

  3. @AfflictionFTW
    Your wrong there was a script and thease 2 men were friends outside the ring and use to pal around together. The plan was make the fight go long to make more money and when Stanely got that punch in, he upset Johnson so Johnson knocked him out! lol. Johnson knocked out all his front teeth and a couple of Stanleys teeth were stuck in Johnsons glove. lol If this fight wasn't scripted Johnson could have knocked him out in the 1st round!

  4. I personally believe the first knockdown was staged to enhance the value of the film. I read Ketchel did get some revenge on Johnson later that evening winning
    much of his purse in card game.

  5. Stanley Ketchel reportedly lost all his front teeth at 0:15! I read Jack Johnson's bio, Unforgivable Blackness.

  6. imagine if julian jackson or tommy hearns landed their right hand on johnsons jaw…no way would he of got up

  7. @amazindan

    if there was a script why was ketchel knocked down in the 2nd? Ketchel was a proud guy, i doubt he'd agree to an early knockdown being part of the script

  8. @AfflictionFTW
    Yes there was a script! Just do some research on the fight and you will see what im talking about

  9. @amazindan
    If their plan was to make the fight go as long as possible then explain me why the fuck did Johnson bum rushed Ketchel in the 2nd round, bloodied his face and knocked him down?

  10. Jack Johnson has to be one of the most overrated HW champion of all time.
    He used to get KTFO and/or floored by middleweights, lost a points decision to another midget in Hart and had an obscure title reign.
    Him as a ATG HW is an absolute joke

  11. @ihatelifejosemartine
    speaking of facts how the fuck you know that a 164lbs 5ft.8 man could be one of the hardest punchers who ever lived?
    Why because the newspapers of the time said so? those newspapers knew fuck all about Dempsey or Marciano or Joe Louis…not to mention murderous punchers like Foreman, Lyle, Lewis or Klitschko

  12. This video is fucked. Johnson was down for an 8 count, I guess the footage doesn't show it. For some reason it appears several frames of both knockdowns/outs have been cut out.

  13. Crowd jump to their feet when Johnson is floored, when Ketchel is knocked out cold, no one got up- Bastatds

  14. Dang, Johnson was really dazed. You could almost see him thinking "Damn! That was a helluva shot…" I guess Ketchel could punch lol. Johnson recovered enough though to get payback. You can see him brushing Ketchel's teeth from his glove after the fight smh…

  15. There was a script. johnson agreed to not knock him out if ketchel agreed not to try to win. Ketchel betrayed that, and so johnson knocked his ass out.

  16. Nice punch by Kiecal…Johnson on the ground look like a drunk man trying to stand up…Kiecal had the heart and scared noone….

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