@Detroit Red Wings

Is Yzerman quietly building the most Giga Chad Roster of all time?

Seriously the amount of Giga Chads in our farm system is impressive. Theoretically the Wings could ice a lineup in the future that includes…

Cossa – 6’7 with confidence. Giga chad

[Edvinsson]( : the 6’7 giga chad

[Seider]( a bit of a manlet by today’s standards at only 6’4, but broad, strong, and handome. Giga Chad

Soderblom – also 6’7 and relatively handsome. Giga Chad

—Borderline giga chads—-

Rasmussen – 6’6. Bit less of a giga chad facially compared to the Euros but fits the arch type too. Chad with potential for giga chad

Kostin – also only 6’4, but broad/strong like Seider and large social capital. Strong Chad, if he can fix his canthal tilt he could possibly ascend




Don’t let your girl watch with you, or they may not be your girl anymore

by Acrobatic_Sector5638


  1. Who-is-Rhona

    I liked thinking about Debrincat being cossas replacement for 6 on 5

  2. NihilisticPollyanna

    Woah, the disrespect towards Big Ras, unbelievable!

    How can you discount his serial killer murder eyes! He doesn’t need to be super broad and square-jawed with that “I AM UNTETHERED!” stare. 😉

  3. Ph1llyth3gr8

    He’s going full Giga Chad and Short Kings. No in between. You’re either 6’4’’ plus or under 5’8’’

  4. Caltroit_Red_Flames

    > a bit of a manlet by today’s standards at only 6’4

    > Bit less of a giga chad facially compared to the Euros but fits the arch type too

    > broad/strong like Seider and large social capital

    Tiktok is seriously fucking with the kids. This is like one step away from bone smashing and canthal tilt phrenology shit. What are the odds I go into his history and there’s some tech/finance bro garbage?

  5. I had no idea what a ‘Giga Chad’ is before this post.

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