@Edmonton Oilers

Jack Campbell WAIVED…WOW…

Jack Campbell of the Edmonton Oilers has been waived by the team. What does this mean for the Oilers? Where will Jack Campbell end up?




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  1. I think there might be a problem with the overall culture and atmosphere in Edmonton (and in TO probably too). Maybe it's too much pressure or something but it seems like guys are just not enjoying playing for these teams. Goalies most of all are "fragile". If the mentality is not right, they tend to perform poorly. So many goalies go to EDM/TO just to eventually fail.

    And yes, there's a huge issue with the defence. Nurses contract is among the worst in the league.

    ps. just imagine Skinner or Campbell playing in Carolina. I doubt their numbers would look nearly as bad.

  2. I don't think waiving Campbell is foolish at all. The brass had to do SOMETHING, and this was the obvious and most immediate move outside of firing the coach. I don't think Pickard is going to come in and magically save the Oilers season. This is more about sending a message to the team as a whole, and hoping Campbell can regain his confidence in the AHL. No other team in the league is going to gift the Oilers a good goalie and defenseman, and the Oilers cap issues make that endeavor even more difficult.. The only way the Oilers could possibly fix their roster issues quickly is if they were willing to move Draisaitl, and I don't think they are since he and McDavid are such good friends. If they lose to SJ on Thursday, you'll see heads roll.

  3. Again Oilers management overlooking their main problem their defense. Its neither goalis problem its hard for these goalies to make 15, "10 bell" saves a game like both these guys can't stop em all

  4. what defense pairs would be good to transition from team defense in own zone to offense puck movement? Ekholm and Nurse, Kulak and Bouchard, Desharnes and Ceci? other defense pairs?

  5. Thank you! I'm sick of people blaming the goaltending when the defense has been making such horrendous mistakes and the backchecking from the forwarda has been so lackluster.

  6. Campbell was ment to be their #1 guy for the present and skinner the futur guy. So if the guy supposed to be the veteran netminder commanding the big contract fails to deliver 5:47 . Its obvious he had to go

  7. Finally somebody said it. The defense is terrible no goalie would have good number there. Saw last Canucks game – 4-5 /6 game were unsavable

  8. Mike smith was the best leader the oilers had in years. When he left the team was never the same. Smith haters can cry now

  9. Smith always had save percentage over 900. Oilers were the same team back then. To say a better goalie wouldn’t make a difference is wrong

  10. I agree with some of the comments that they waived Campbell because they just had to do something that’s not (yet) firing anyone. The fact that the San Jose goalies have similar sv% compared to Skinner and Campbell speaks volumes. The two teams are unfortunately comparable in many ways. One has no D, the other one has no O. One of the main reasons why Edmonton got 4 more points than SJ is cuz of 97 and 29 which SJ currently does not have.

    So going back to the “is it silly to waive Campbell” question- yes it’s silly because it won’t do anything. BUT it’s what makes most sense to the management because despite Campbell and Skinner are both bad, Campbell has a way bigger contract. That and skinner is an Edmonton native, fans are naturally more harsh towards him. We have seen several star goalies (or just players in general) who changed teams and then just stopped performing. It’s not all about the goalie when a team sucks, but also the team in front of them, those who put the team together, etc.

  11. You got a mcdavid that doesn’t care anymore a d core that’s useless no depth scoring and a coach that looks like he sniffed glue in elementary school not a recipe for success

  12. They don't want to admit that on paper they have the stars and stats but what they really need is a rebuild and to trade off most of their assets. I predict they will decide to keep Drai or Mcdavid if they will stay, but the rest have to go. Clean house. Sad because Mcdavid's best years are wasted on this team.

  13. Why is everyone saying "Skinner's numbers are not much better"? He is .856, his numbers are even worse!

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  15. 3:32 fake news, he’s worth 7m. Irrelevant opinion, you clearly don’t watch oiler games. Defence is bad yes, but goaltending sucks bad. Lots of the goals are jacks fault.

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