@Calgary Flames

The Flames are a family team. Happy families. Maybe UFAs get resigned, we don’t know. Frankly, we don’t want to know. It’s a market we could do without.


by El_Cactus_Loco


  1. Chemical_Signal2753

    Didn’t hate him as a player, won’t miss him, glad we got something in return.

  2. Became a boat anchor once he announced he wanted out. Soo… whatever.

  3. Kitchen-Put-6426

    This trade is a flop, a 2026 third and this year’s 5th. With flames history we won’t see either of those draft picks. They will be traded away because we think we are “CoNtEnDeRs” definitely wasn’t the best offer we received, horrible trade.

  4. Conroy starting to look like Michael Keaton. Is Craig Conroy Batman???

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