@New Jersey Devils



by DevilsGuy88


  1. Meanwhile the Devils are top 10 best in xGA and HDCA. But tell me again how its the defense.

  2. It’s ironic how we ran Schneider into the ground whilst not being able to score, and now that we’re stacked up front we can’t get league average goaltending.

  3. The funny thing is that VV was horrible in the second half and playoffs, and Fitz just ran it back despite there being a Vezina caliber goalie available.

    But if I point that out, then I get downvoted because god forbid I expect better than mediocrity. And now VV is the worst goalie in the league.

  4. UnlimitedMetroCard

    VV is a nice guy and I like him. But he’s not a NHL #1 goalie.

  5. Defense has definitely been bad, but goalies need to make saves at some point. If he’s at -4 or -5 I’ll cut him some slack. But -10.6? Ya. He’s a terrible goalie.

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