@National Hockey League

Nylander falls, Jack Edwards climaxes

Nylander falls, Jack Edwards climaxes

by Instant-Highlights


  1. Hell yeah! Building erupts with the Matthews tie. And our man Brad just silences them. Couldn’t have scripted it better.

  2. Nervous_Equipment701

    This is why the Leafs never make it anywhere in the playoffs. Scared of a little contact

  3. Meshuggaha

    Jack Edwards needs to hang it up. The dude is done. Homer hack needs to retire to Arizona. Hopefully, Scottsdale. It’s nice there. I don’t hate the guy, but it’s time.

  4. BrooksideNL

    “Marchand! And the villain sticks the stake in the Leafs heart!”

  5. jordanramsey41

    Nylander has no heart. Sure he gets points and is incredibly talented. But he just has no drive. What is going to be infuriating is when he negotiates his contract. He is going to argue he is a top 10 league player. If you compare him to someone like Mackinnon or Crosby, he is no where near as valuable in terms to leadership, heart, and willingness to win it for his team.


    Great game and climax is valid, get fked leafs

  7. Nail_Horror

    Funny how everyone hacks on Nylander. Marner has been shit until thursday and hes great. Tavares went for a swim in the o zone and wasnt back until the celly was over. Who changed for Reilly leaving last man back with the puck?? 1st. Rule of defence.

  8. TheIncredibleHork

    Woll was the only one trying in that exchange. Nylander seemed to decide he was done, Tavares just disappears, it’s absolutely embarrassing and they should get some Herbies in for that performance. Rielly made decent effort to try to get in and with 26 min TOI you can kinda cut him some slack for looking winded.

    Jack Edwards needs to calm down. Good Lord.

  9. Usual_Patient_7201

    Edward’s is the biggest tool bag in the history of hockey. He is downright freaking horrendous

  10. _jemappellejones

    I can feel the spit on my face after the announcer spitting that sentence out

  11. Clark94vt

    I enjoy jack edwards because he pisses everyone else off

  12. Quantumkool

    As a Canadian the best days are the ones where the Leafs lose ( like they should )

  13. Wing_Nut_93x

    Holy shit there’s being a homer and then there’s this. Dude is legit depressed when the other team does anything remotely good and then reacts like this to a fluke play? One of the absolute worst there is.

  14. Someone isn’t getting free cactus cut potatoes at BPs anymore

  15. alowester

    I’m actually laughing my ass off at this, bro needs to chill. He’s next level on a regular season game, I’m not even upset gg bruins.

  16. Unlikely-Section-848

    As I said man times over the years as a bruins fan, he is to much on commentary, yes he is local so biased is going to happen, but bro acting like we just won game 7 back in 2011 against the maple leafs.

  17. Rare_Cartographer579

    Did pasta flip that pass over Wolls splayed body or did it careen off of him and allyoop to Marchand?

    I no like Joe some of the leafs stayed on with shock and awe on their face in total disabelief of what just happened. Same for the fans.

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