@New York Rangers

The outstanding Photo of Trouba leveling Hathaway in the Fliers Game is the R/hockey sidebar image.

Always surprised to see any positive attention, especially for Trouba, on that sub.

For those that missed it:

Or the highlight:

by elfinito77


  1. Unlikely_Good7733

    It really is a fantastic picture for so many different reasons.

    1. Hathaway laid out on the ice with his legs up, eyes closed, mouth open. The picture was taken right at the moment he struck the ice. 5 stars!
    2. The various fan reactions in the background (Rangers and Flyers fans alike) is hysterical.
    3. To me, the funniest thing about the whole picture is that Deslauriers is supposed to be the type of player that makes opposing teams not take runs at his teammates when he is out on the ice. All you see in the picture is him weakly trying to stop Trouba after the damage has been done. Guess Trouba wasn’t intimidated.

  2. This brings me so much joy.

    I don’t know if I like this hit or the Kadri hit better.

  3. Puzzleheaded-Draw910

    Why does his helmet have 6 on it and not 8 lol

  4. TheSeekerOfSanity

    Trouba has proven his badassery this season. Love having him on the team.

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