@New York Rangers

Will Brennan Othmann Play For The Rangers This Season?

Dan Rosen of drops by @4everBlueshirts to talk about the New York Rangers season and the likelihood of Brennan Othmann getting called up this year. #newyorkrangers #nyrangers #nhl

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  1. Great video. Can you guys please lower the intro and outro song? I enjoy watching your videos although I've got to turn it WAY down at the start and end of it. Thanks so much and GO RANGERS!

  2. Why? No reason to rush anything. He's playing well for the Pack and is building up his confidence. Some significant injuries would need to occur for Othmann to get a look this year. I'm pumped to see Johnny Brodz on the top line, producing.

  3. Really like Brodz’ game always have playing important 1st line minutes & he is a point a game player thus far haha? Lets go Rangers!

  4. No rush to bring him up, he’s thriving in Hartford right now let him keep killing it there until it’s too easy for him…

  5. I don't understand anyone who says not to bring him up. Was Bedard too young? Was McDavid too young? He's played in preseason already. I actually saw him in a preseason game against the Bruins last season and he looked great. Even got banged up and a bloody nose but he had it packed and was right back out there. The kids got grit. I don't care how young he is. Its great he's dominating at his level but what is that really doing for him? Why would people rather have him plateau at the top of the minors. I say bring him up to the show. You're not gonna hurt the kid by giving him a shot.

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