@Minnesota Wild

The NHL is Stopping Marc Andre Fleury From Wearing His Indigenous Mask and Everyone is Angry!

Marc Andre fleury got an indigenous mask made to honor his wife and everyone else in the indigenous community and the nhl is stopping him from wearing it. The NHL is once again shooting itself in the foot and stopping themselves from being a good league

#nhl #minnesotawild #shorts


  1. I don’t understand who’s the smart one at NHL’s PR team that thought shooting this down would be a good idea and reflect well for the company smh

  2. What did you think was going to happen when the bigots and centrists banded together to attack the LGBTQ community. What, you thought that only gay minorities would be affected by the bigots? Congratulations to Provorov though. He got what he wanted same with everyone else who stayed silent.

  3. Flower said he would pay whatever fine was levied so the NHL threatens to fine the club? and used the word "significantly"? Just another example as to why bettman is the worst pro league commissioner.

  4. Nhl didnt stop marc andre fluery from wearing his mask. Conservatives, ovechkin, and provorov stopped marc andre fluery from wearing that mask. Lol. They banned all political stuff to be worn by players on ice because of them. Not nhl fault for conservatives being babies.

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