@Pittsburgh Penguins

Bill Muckalt destroys Wayne Gretzky

Wayne Gretzky ( New York Rangers ) is sent flying back into the boards after a huge hit by Bill Muckalt ( Vancouver Canucks ) – NHL hockey hit Feb 4, 1999


  1. muckhalt Who? if that was Gordie Howe Muckhalt would be named as an unknown player who died on the ice……Hockey still hasn't learned Respect……Who's your guy? Ray Borque? Bobby Orr?? Maybe Scott Stevens, oh yeah now we're down to Brad Marchand Steve Avery and Tom Wilson. Oh wait what was the name of this @$$hole that ran Gretzky? It's the guy who heard the term chippy, and never got his clock cleaned….dumb@$$ stupid Punk

  2. (*checks date*) Yep…that was basically the moment that The Great One decided that retirement was probably the best option. Bless his heart, he looked like Joe Biden out there.

  3. Gretzky expected to skate around with anonymity. I applaud ever player that put the body to this guy. Gretzky was the Tom Brady of
    the NHL. Player gets a penalty for a clean hit that would have been ignored if it were anyone else.

  4. John Davidson says “So Muckalt gets the minor penalty for hitting Gretzky.” at the 36 second mark. Obviously he didn’t mean it this way, but he sounds like he is saying there’s a written rule that you’re not allowed to hit Wayne.

  5. Dude is lucky no Marty McSorley the dumbass,and Gretzky was 38 ,graves should have had is gloves off immediately,he did nothing pussy

  6. You’d never see Ovechkin complain about a hit like this. Time for the Great 8 to take his seat on the thrown.

  7. And retirement is a lot easier when your hockey contracts are 7 figures instead of 5 figures. Boo hoo they didn't get a fair shake at a championship. Thanks to Wayne most these guys didn't have to worry about having to look for real jobs the year after their careers were over.

  8. The biggest difference between the Great One and Super Mario…couldn't push Lemieux around like that!

  9. Normal call to protect star players, happens in every sport.

    If star players were not playing because they were all injured then the sports would lose money and the ppl would then complain the refs and the sports are not protecting them.

    Just how it is.

  10. I remember the old EA sports game from the mid 90's where it was kind of a unofficial trophy among friends to be the one to make Gretzky bleed red little pixels on the ice.

  11. I grew up watching Gretzky in his prime and I can say with certainty, he whined like a massive bitch whenever someone even considered getting physical with him. He always gave that “are you kidding me? Why would you even think of hitting me?”, look.
    Because Wayne, not too sure if you pay attention to statistics, but when you’re scoring between 150-212 pts a year, letting you skate around with ZERO fear of getting hit makes the game a lot simpler for you, and it’s already pretty easy for you as it is.

  12. ok , that i looked at replay a few times, Gretz didn't have the puck ,..the canucks guy to his left had it , thats why,.. but it should be "interference" or roughing , not boarding lol

  13. down 7-4 with 6 minutes left. just frustrated, wayne was great, after 21 years of pro hockey, time to retire. still the best ever.

  14. Not only was Gretzky the greatest hockey player ever he would have been the greatest figure skater ever if he went if went that route

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