@Columbus Blue Jackets

Stat line for the Kings/ Blue Jackets game.

Stat line for the Kings/ Blue Jackets game.

by bclautz


  1. Seattlekrakenlegend

    This does not pass the eye test, Danforth was working his ass off

  2. hnglmkrnglbrry

    Fantilli played ten fucking minutes last night. Vincent absolutely refuses to let that kid succeed.

  3. Independent_Fox2565

    Huh I just realized Branson didn’t play

  4. Fabresque_

    Fantilli 10 minutes. Johnson 8 minutes. Guess the first two names on that chart?

    I’m in the boat of “let’s not criticize Pascal too harshly” but when he stuff like this, it makes it difficult to defend him and some of his decisions.

  5. ArgentMoonWolf

    Absolutely no reason Fantilli shouldn’t be playing more minutes. I could see if you’re worried about him wearing down later in the season, but ask him how he feels about that. He might be more ready for the workload than you think. It won’t matter about later workload if we don’t make playoffs anyway, so early losses will hurt us. Not a lot of downside to giving him more ice time imo.

  6. DIYCenturyGoaler

    Makes sense why PV didn’t run with Fantilli and KJ. FFS!! Let them play and learn. Sheltering them isn’t doing them or the team any favors. Time to let them develop in the game.

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