@National Hockey League

Wednesday Weekly Rankings – Week 7

Welcome to week 7.

– Canucks fans, temperature check?
– Oilers fans, temperature check?
– Leafs coming to life
– Ducks may never win again
– Games played are a mess

by ArtVandelAAYY


  1. GoofyRangersfan

    Nah your trippin. The Bulldogs will win the Stanley cup this year.

  2. Ben_Pharten

    An unusual moment: I don’t find anything I disagree with here.

  3. Slightly Nods Head when seeing the Seminoles & Bulldogs in the not-in-the-playoffs tier.

    Note: Slightly Nods Head = LOL in chatspeak.

  4. No-Doctor-4396

    The minnesota wild are hot right now. everything else i agree with.

  5. ZacharyRapsag

    As a sad Sabres fan (yet hopeful because I will never stop believing in my boys), I love the humor of the tier that you have put us in.

  6. notyomamasusername

    That line about the playoffs was just cold….

  7. JonTheWizard

    Not in the playoffs: Florida State, Georgia.
    Me: HA! Boycott the Orange Bowl, lads. Burn it all down.

  8. kingswing23

    Any list that doesn’t have us in the bottom tier is inaccurate imo

  9. SynthSapphire

    The Sharks are rising from the depths (ashes), god dammit lol

    Also, DET deserves “Very Good” consideration at this point.

    Nice touch adding the humorous extra salt-on-wounds for FSU and GA

  10. DrGentlemanSir

    Kraken on that “every other year” schedule.

  11. DesignerPlant9748

    The Capitals have a negative 13 goal differential. They are not good.

  12. JTMilleriswortha1st

    16-9-1 is a lot better than i would have ever expected. We were never going to keep the pace from the first 15 games. Just gotta get healthy and we should be fine

  13. JasonEAltMTG

    The fuck happened to Seattle? We were a goal away from the WCF and Coachella Valley were cup runners up. We lose Sprong and Donato and now we can’t play hockey?

  14. andrewdoesit

    That UG one hurts. A lot. I talked way too much shit this year.

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