@New York Rangers

Evidence that the points system needs to be changed

We have more wins and fewer losses than Boston in the same number of games played, yet we’re tied in points and points percentage. Two overtime losses just shouldn’t be worth as much as one win.

by jaypets


  1. Atravis527

    They aren’t worth as much, that’s why we’re in second and they’re in third, because we got the points from a win

  2. RayTheCalvinist

    idk about y’all but I really don’t like the penis-y “best in the league” posts that are coming up like every day, but maybe it’s the PTSD talking lol

  3. Since you all seem to be missing the point let me make it easier. Let’s say team A loses all 82 games in overtime and team B wins 40 games and loses 42 in regulation. Is it really right that a team with no wins ends up with more points than a team with 40 wins?

  4. Typical-Ad-6730

    Yep. NHL rewards the better losers. Teams have missed the playoffs while teams with fewer wins got in because they lost more in OT instead of regulation. Get rid of the 3rd point and shootouts. 3v3 til they die as torts would say.

  5. RangersGoalieFanClub

    I think if you lose you lose, no extra point bullshit.

  6. 3 points gor win in 60 minutes. 2 for win in OT or SH, 1 for lost in OT/SH, 0 for lost in 60 min.

  7. cris090382

    What if we did:

    3 points if you win.

    0 points if you lose.

    1 point if you tie.

    OT 10 min 3v3.

    If there’s no winner it’s a tie.

  8. Boysenberry-Dull

    We should be less worried about the point system and more worried about the constant odd man rushes, Igor being mid and impossible break out of the d zone. Past 4 games have looked like last years team.

  9. 00Anonymous

    The default alternative is to go back to having ties, which is a worse alternative for competition because it over rewards bad teams. The current system may still under reward good teams, however it removes the incentive for bad teams to stay bad by forcing greater dispersion in the standings – making it more obvious both who is actually trying to win and who is good at winning.

    I suppose a more accurate alternative would be a points system based on aggregate scoring, which would probably introduce lots of issues when trying to covert historical results.

    At any rate the main reason why Vegas is ahead is due to them having played more games, which is an artifact of scheduling not the points system. Under the ties system, Boston would still be tied with us because the OTLs would have been ties and not losses anyway. Ultimately we own the tie breaker, so we are in fact ahead and not tied with Boston.

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