@Detroit Red Wings

This Has Gotten Beyond Ridiculous…

Nhl highlights today Detroit red wings vs buffalo sabres was another game in a long line for a franchise that has been more lost than tom hanks in cast away for over 12 years. If you’re a fan of that team, do yourself a favor and pass the red wings vs sabres highlights from last night. One of the longest playoff droughts in professional sports and given the current nhl standings and nhl picks today , seeming like it might continue. Subscribe for nhl hockey highlights 2023 , news rumors and trades , reactions to nhl mic’d up moments and other interesting things that happen during the games and more. Nhl 2023

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  1. Ever since the ted Nolan saga this franchise has never recovered.. sad because there's a lot of interest in hockey in buffalo

  2. Granato has to go, I'm not even a fan of letting him finish out this month let alone the season. He's not an NHL coach. He won't get these guys to the next level. I think the talent is there, but bolster the 3rd and 4th lines, there's some loose change there who can be replaced with someone better. I wish they would pick up even a SEMI good veteran goaltender and defenseman, just to have guys on the team who know what it feels like to win.

  3. The number of Sabres fans who had zero concerns about the goaltending was too damm high. You need to find league avg until Demi Lovato is ready to step up

  4. Being a Buffalo sports fan is gonna take 20 years off my life. I was born in 99 so I don't even really remember when the Sabres were good and in the last 5 years I've probably missed 10 games total so I'm very concerned right now and just heart broken over this team. Their record is very similar to their record last year at this time but this team feels so different from last year

  5. A lot of it has to due with the division too. Coming in to the year it would have been a safe bet to say the Bruins, Panthers, Lightning, and Leafs would make the playoffs. I'd say even today that holds true. Boston is still the elite team they were last year, Florida has played really well despite some key guys missing time. Leafs defense is being held together with duct tape and prayers with the injuries, but they've still been racking up points despite underperforming. Tampa Bay didn't have Vasilevskiy for the start of the season, and while even with him back they have looked vulnerable, given their pedigree you still expect them to put it all together and end up near the top of the league by the end of the season. I know I wouldn't be shocked to see them rattle off 10 wins in a row or something.

    Add to that the massive step forward Detroit has taken so far this year, and how competitive the Metro is this year, it doesn't look good for any of the other Atlantic teams.

  6. The Sabres are the worst franchise in professional sports. The writing was on the wall after game 1 against the Rangers that this season was gonna be just as bad as the past 12. Ive never seen anything like this in my life. Its impossible to be this bad for this long.

  7. Why do all these stupid people say that power is coming along nicely ? absolutely sucks. He can’t play defense at all he has no awareness in his own zone, he refuses to hit anybody anyone at all and refuses to take hits on top of that he also has zero aggressiveness and zero puck control. Literally I’m wondering what games sabres fans are watching this guy is terrible. In our goalies last year weren’t our worst problem it’s always been our own zone play our defense of play is literally the worst I’ve ever seen in my entire life of any team we literally don’t know how to plan our own zone in our goalies get left out to dry

  8. The Bills and the Sabres are both crapping the bed right now. Honestly really feel bad for people in Buffalo, the sports world has not been kind to them.

  9. Who owns the Sabres? Whats with the NHL and who r they connected too? Its been proven in other sports. Owners sabatoge their team to take a loss in revenue and business value. Then they get more money kickbacks at tax time.

  10. Sabres fan here, 40+ years. If we’re not going to fire the coach, then fire his assistants. Power & Samuelson are regressing. I don’t ever want to see Comrie, Okposo, or Girgenson’s play again. Signing Colorodo 6 D and Boston’s 7D is not good enough. Trade some of your prospect pools for middle 6 toughness and scoring. Skinner is amazing offensively and a liability on defense. Can’t win with him getting those minutes.

  11. I’ve been a Sabres fan since birth. I’ve lived in the city of Buffalo my entire life. I love this city and the people in it. I love my sports teams more than anything in the world. I just recently became and Adult. (You can figure out when I was born) and have never seen playoff hockey. Or at least I don’t remember it when it did happen. I love the Bills and I’m glad they’ve turned it around. But if I’m being honest I’d trade the Buffalo Bills and have them move out the city to see just one live playoff game for the Sabres. I love the Buffalo Sabres as if they were my brother. I had such high hopes for this season, even buying season tickets. And it’s been nothing but misery, I can’t stand going to games. And you may think “JuSt SeLl tHe TiCkEtS” but I cant, this team is so bad that the tickets can’t get sold. I can’t even hand out $20 tickets for Jan 11th, it’s just usual for us in Buffalo now. Our teams are just not meant to win. We are the most loyal fans in the world, to suffer this much night in and night out and to constantly wear the team gear and (If not at the game and home watching on Tv) show up to games. I just can’t wait for the year we finally make the playoffs. I just wanna see one damn game, not even the cup, that’ll come later. I just wanna see one Playoff game.

  12. They tried nothing!!! A soccer coach who failed in his own gig. Kim a coffee shop manager into everything. A GM who has zero experience a coach with zero NHL experience a team full of youngsters with zero NHL experience. Holy shit bat balls what could go wrong?!?!?

  13. This team is going nowhere….ever… with Kim Pegula calling the shots. Like…ever. You want to know how to fix the Sabres? You hire a Brandon Beane, who tells Kim to shut her mouth and just sign the cheques and let them do the work of running a team. Short of that, enjoy the basement forever I guess….

  14. I can’t believe anyone thought that this team was going to be a playoff team this year. They were the definition of a glass cannon last year and did nothing to shore up goaltending or defense in the offseason. Now that they have injuries up front and aren’t scoring like last year it’s not surprising that they are struggling.

  15. The SABRES were always known as the "hardest working team in the NHL" because they didn't have top talent. Now they have the talent but are missing players with heart, grit, TOUGHNESS & most of all THEY ARE MISSING PLAYERS WITH BALLS!

  16. I felt this video—I wanna see us break our 12 year cherry too…I honestly don’t know what it is with us, I used to think it was a diversity problem, but we’ve added Czechs, Germans, etc 🤷🏼‍♂️

  17. It’s really weird this team is just not blossoming. Too much talent to be this bad. They are young but they should be better than this record wise. I think this team is missing a philosophy or team identity. They look to be a team that plays hard but they play to the tune of their opponent.

  18. I would love to see us add a big hulking Russian winger like Buchnevich, or Vladdy T…just for a boost + I need a new jersey!

  19. I think we’ll squeak in come April but…I also think it’s gonna take at least 100 points on the nose! 💭

  20. When I lived in the GTA, I used to go to Buffalo to watch NHL games when the Flames were in town, and occasionally just random other games. Mainly because it was affordable and close, but I always appreciated how friendly the fans are there. People find out you're from out of town and they seem to make an effort to make you feel welcome. I don't have strong feeling about the team in general, but I agree that the fans deserve to see some success.

  21. Pegula hires GM’s with zero NHL experience and coaches with zero NHL experience. I wonder why is hasn’t worked since he has owned them?

  22. Watched the sabres/wings game last night and one thing that stuck in my head was “huh the wings got some nice vets this off season through free agency and actually turned their team a around a bit more” key word actual changes. Take notes Buffalo, also don’t be afraid to sit underperforming players

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