@Minnesota Wild

Why You Shouldn’t Listen to Sam Sulek

Sam Sulek has taken the fitness world by storm with his style of videos. Bringing back meathead mentality while providing quality entertainment. One issue.. should you be following his diet and/or training advice?
In this video, I give my two cents.

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#samsulek #reaction #bodybuilding #sethferoce #bodybuilding #diet


  1. That’s what makes him different from other body builders who just instruct a plan! Sam is real world body building! Hey just because you made stupid decisions at 21 don’t mean most do! At 21 I was building my first business, not going to clubs, not chasing pussy , not chasing drugs..

  2. i dont watch sam sulek but from the few vids ive watched i get why people like him.
    1. he's freaky as piss.
    2. he really is like the bob ross of the fitness era
    3. brings back the oldschool youtube when people were just sharing their experiences. 2012-2016era.

  3. Ego lifting is lifting too heavy weights with crap form because in reality you are not strong enough to lift that weight properly

  4. I love that Sam is not out there claiming to be natural or saying take steroids or Trent to get like me. He leaves all that out of his videos. He doesn't even claim that exercising like him will work for everyone. He just says what he is doing and why. He doesn't try to get you to exercise like him. He doesn't even compete or anything. I think that's what we like. That he is not trying to brainwash you into working out like him, eating like him, taking or not taking drugs and he doesn't try to sell you something every 5 min

  5. Sam is extremely mature humble and wholesome. Sam can eat and do what he wants. He enjoys food life and lifting : too much hate on Sam .so much jealousy

  6. See it all the time. The only ones hating are the plateaued dad bods that trash talk cause they can't or don't want to put the work in…
    Makes them feel alpha because they can't be alpha 😂

  7. We need to expect more from young kids/adults. Shocker: there are 20 years old who have themselves together! Raised by parents who poured into them, surrounded themselves by friends who were not self destructive..there are even 20 year old who did not have a nuturing environment who still have it together. Level up the expectations for youth and they will rise up to it. Stop with the young so they are dumb mantra. They are young and still can be wise. Literally give them something else besides being in the gym. Tell them to look outside themselves, volunteer, help someone and watch them change. Why is this the worldview? You are young so you are dumb?? If that is what you think no wonder you were like that or may raise your kids like that🤦🏾‍♀️

  8. I’m not gonna watch this video, but I’m hoping that you’re doing that for the Clickbait because that guy is very smart and you’re almost irrelevant

  9. Literally anybody who knows anything about working out weightlifting bodybuilding all his gains are coming from his steroids not his diet. That's plain as plain can be

  10. I think y'all should worry about yourself instead of making videos hating on everybody else! Sam is a good dude! I think y'all are just hating

  11. Dumb Sulek fanboys haven't watched the video, but hating and accusing this dude of hating. Hilarious. But that's gymcels for you. Sulek would be disappointed of you.

  12. I'm 37. Been lifting since I was 14. I think Sam is great for younger people to follow. He is actually pretty smart about things. The upcoming generation would be good to turn out like him. He is a total bro. He's an engineer student. Seems like a great kid. His diet is fine. Sugar isn't gonna fucking kill ya. Drinking milk is good for you.

  13. With all the walking dead using METH. Fentanyl. CRACK. COKE. What, 94,000 folk die each year from booze. And the jabby-juice ;cure' dropping over from heart attacks & turbo cancers………………its the trolling of guys that use PED's & carp endlessly for their own ego.

  14. Since you're not an adult, since you contrasted age so much, it's amazing the justification you give to running gear to the degree he is. If you have any understanding of the subject matter, at 21 years of age, gaining that kind of physique with his diet and his training regiment (poor technique, etc.). Have some guts and man up. No gear necessary to maintain that build is something that can be consumed for very long. 'do what you want to do' denies the inherent impact, by nature of his choice to be a public persona, he has on young people getting into fitness. He's unlikely to live to 30 and yet here Seth is with tacit approval. How utterly weak.

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