@Carolina Hurricanes

Stastny Moved by Blues to Jets for Picks and Prospect

It’s odd that they moved him to a division rival while still in a playoff race. What message does this send to the players in that locker room?

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  1. I heard the Blues locker room is divided between Steen guys and Petro guys. That was from Blues fans. Steen wasn't happy about not getting the C . Not too sure if those rumours are true. Blues have great prospects but i actually picked the Blues vs Capitals in the SC ….. oops,lol.

  2. I have no idea what the Blues are doing. This deal is completely baffling to me. The fact that they moved Stastny at all makes no sense to me, let alone to a division rival in the middle of a playoff race. What the Hell is St. Louis doing?

    Winnipeg is terrifying now. Like just look at their forward line-up. This team was scary before this deal. Nashville loaded up to but man. Stastny on the Jets is going to be terrifying.

  3. Good move by St Louis. Stastny doesn't have to sign In Winnipeg next season. I have a feeling St Louis brought him aside and said "This Is temporary.' to Stastny. During the off season St Louis resigns Stastny to 3 years for 3 million. Gives them room to sign Fabbri. Omg If this happens we literally fucked Winnipeg. He loves St Louis he grew up here. Probably wants to retire here. Also next season he wont have a big role he can play on the 3rd line. God If Armstrong pulls this off I'll faint. Just look at these lines If he resigns with us and how much Jordan Kyrou and Robert Thomas makes a difference.




    Blues get younger without losing depth. Free 1st rounder from Winnipeg and a prospect. But sadly I don't think Armstrong Is smart enough to pull this off.

  4. Normally "Hockey Guy" I value your insight and opinion, on the Stastny trade you missed the boat completely. Seth Patterson, Rice Patty, and Daniel Radly stated it best, when In so many words, they stated he was a very overpaid center that never lived up to expectations. He is a great assist man, but is not a scorer. Remember, he was signed for 4 years at 7.5 million.

    I think Rice expressed it best as to why the Blues traded him. Plenty of teams wanted our younger players, not our OLDER players. Armstrong really messed up by signing horrible contracts with Steen & Bergland. The Blues would have LOVED to have traded them, even if it was just to dump salary. No one wanted them. The Blues are stuck with them. Obviously, numerous teams want our speedy skilled players playing in the minors – at least Armstrong wasn't stupid enough to trade them. The only player he could move was Stastny.

    Stastny may help Winnipeg go deep, but he won't help them win the cup. He's a rental, and they may not have the cap space to sign him over the summer. BTW, and HOCKEY GUY you should know this, he's SLOW!!!!! He's on the back nine, and maybe can help the Jets, but sure wasn't doing anything for the Blues.

    At best, it was a win-win for both teams. It was definitely a great trade for the Blues. The only regret the Blues fan have is that we couldn't get rid of Steen & Bergland to a buyer. Some saying getting rid of Sabotka (sp?) would also have helped, but he doesn't cost that much (i.e., he's not the issue), and apparently no one wanted him either.

    In sum, the Blues need to get younger and be way faster. Getting rid of the old guard who are long in the tooth and aren't scorers is the only way for the Blues to get to the Cup. Armstrong needs to keep getting rid of the old guard who aren't beneficial to this team.

    I've seen them since the beginning. I've seen the Blues when they had great teams, horrible teams, and teams that are just good to adequate. This team was a good to very good team the 1st 2-3 months. Then the old guard wore down, and we became average. Time to move on by trading the old guard as quickly as possible.

  5. Stastny sucks, so moving him within the division isn't that big of a deal. Wayyyyy overpaid for a 3rd line center.

  6. It was the right thing to do for the Blues if they don't plan to re-sign him this summer. You have to take the best deal out there. Even if it's within the division

  7. This could be another addition by subtraction trade, like last year's exchange of Shattenkirk.

    St.Louis could always re-sign him in the offseason, if they think their good prospects aren't ready yet.

  8. This is my take on what the Blues did today:

    1 – they looked closely at their team & realized it wasn't good enough
    2 – they realized in order to improve it for a playoff run, they would have to lose a young kid (Kyrou, Thomas) since they didn't have a 1st to offer to land anyone of any significance
    3 – they needed to make room for Thomas anyways (kid is a stud) so Stastny was expendable
    4 – Jets were probably only team that offered a 1st for Stastny so they took it
    5 – they replaced one of the 1st rounders they lost in the Schenn deal

    If I were a Blues fan, I wouldn't have an issue w/ this at all.

  9. Kinda reminds me of the shattenkirk deal last year.. im a blues fan and happy with this deal.. pretty clear he was gonna walk at the end of the season, im glad they got something, blues have been going through a rough patch and needed a change.

  10. Honestly this trade is good for both teams, Blues got a late 1st rounder and a prospect for a forward that they weren't going to resign and the Jets got a decent center man. For the Blues this trade did two things for the Blues, it lit a fire behind their butts to play good into the playoffs and gave us a pick and a prospect to build a team in the future. This Blues team wasn't going to win the cup this year with Nashville, Winnipeg, and the Lightning and this might even improve their odds of winning the cup this year.

  11. You ask how St Louis react to this trade and most of us are really happy. Also sure the jets gave nothing off the roster but they gave us their future.

  12. St.Louis fan here living in St.Louis. No one is really upset at all. In fact I would say we're happy he went to the Jets. I don't know if that's more so because we got a 1st and a prospect or because it's the Jets and we hate Nashville.

  13. I'm 99% sure this is a chemistry move. Management really likes Thompson and the young guys, and Foley and Thompson are close. This move also makes sense clearing some cap space.

    The only thing that makes me sad is that we gave up a good player who was underperforming. Basically that's the whole team.

  14. Vegas fucken "colluded" with Pittsburgh to keep Brassard away from the Jets,,,hope we meet in the playoffs

  15. As a big Blues fan here in STL, I haven't heard anybody that's upset about this trade. I see the point about the moving him within the division, but he was probably going up on the market in the off-season anyway, and while he's been here a long time and is pretty well liked, I, along with most fans I've talked to, felt like he has a tendency to disappear for long periods of time. He makes way too much money to be as unreliable as he is. With the major struggles the Blues have had this year, (and just in recent years) and I don't see them pulling off a massive improvement and catching a big playoff run, I think we needed to shake off some salary space, as well as make some core moves. I wish we would've done more at the deadline, and either brought in a Hoffman, or a Maroon, or dumped Berglund/Sobotka, but holding out for some more major moves in the off-season.

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