@Buffalo Sabres

Classics: Josh Kalis “Photosynthesis”

Some video parts have a trick-by-trick blueprint laid out before they’re even filmed. Josh narrates his Alien Workshop part from 2000, which showcases how he skates every day and why he’s a legend.


  1. Just met josh kalis yesterday, so crazy meeting him, my fucking idol since I was I little kid

  2. 2:22 , fck. I love nose blunt slides, but i have serious ptsd from it.

    I was learning them and basically had them down. On a box, i end up sticking the lock and the momentum took me to the concrete , left shoulder, ( momentum) then my face, left front tooth went through my upper lip. I had 3 serious concussions from tht alone. The first from the fall. Then 2 more when at a pay phone calling my parents ( this was the mid to late 90s before cell phones ) , i passed out twice and hit my head.. woke up in a ambulamce.

    Yea so anyways. Like i said, i have have SERIOUS PTSD from from tht trick. I feel like tht hindered my progression honestly. Tht and breaking my left ankle. ( didnt even know it was broken until yrs later), didnt skate for a few months. Thts when i started skating switch more because i couldnt flick my left foot.
    Fyi , you can still walk and move with a broken ankle, i should know lol. I thought i just sprained it really bad. It hurt for soooo long, im talking years.

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