@Buffalo Sabres

The Sabres are not going to have a good time tonight if their passes are as bad as they’ve been in this morning skate. Woof.

“The Sabres are not going to have a good time tonight if their passes are as bad as they’ve been in this morning skate. Woof.”

by xBialyOrzel


  1. xBialyOrzel

    This is also something I’ve noticed for a bit now. Their passing is so sloppy and a lot of the time it’s hitting them in their skates or are super far out in front of them, like if it’s not coaching that it’s like this, what is it?

  2. TribeCalledWuTang

    I’ll take “huge glaring red flags” for $500, Alex.

  3. HellbornElfchild

    Got offered a free ticket for tonight. I will of course go, but I’m bracing for a bloodbath, haha. Hope I’m wrong!

  4. Novanator33

    Was this guy watching my beer league team? No, it was the professional athletes…

  5. phatsystem

    The Sabres are not an unskilled team. This is in their heads. I think they are overthinking and/or lost confidence.

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