@Los Angeles Kings

This NHL Team Became A WAGON In One Offseason…

The Los Angeles Kings were suppose to be a good team this year but I don’t think anyone expected this. The Kings have won every game on the road this year with a record of 10-0-0. Now A lot of people disagreed with LA on the PLD trade but that has actually worked out very well for the Kings so far. Are you a believer in the LA Kings this season? Subscribe to Jimmy Hockey for more NHL News and Breakdowns.



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  1. I think all LA fans knew this team would be a strong contender this year. Maybe there were some doubts about PLD, which may be valid long term, but in his current role as a third line center he's doing absolutely fine. Also Kopitar is absolutely a superstar and a top 25 player in the league, but I think he likes the fact that he goes relatively unnoticed. Also the Kings are doing all this without Viktor Arvidsson, one of their best playmakers, who they've really missed on the power play.

  2. Been a Kings fan 30+ years and have a GOOD feeling about this team. For years we were always reliant on the same 2-3 players essentially scoring all our goals, but now it seems like anyone can score at any given time. There's so much more depth offensively and defense looks solid. Goaltending from Talbot (thank goodness) also settling in. Plenty of season left, but lets keep this train going! GKG 🥅🏒👑👍

  3. The advanced stats say that the Kings didn't revitalize Talbot as much as take him out of the dumpster fire for goalies that is Ottawa. His underlying numbers are comparable to last season. Compare Korpisalo's numbers with the Senators this season versus the Kings last season; the differences are even more glaring.

  4. The kids are putting it together. Byfield has taken off, Kaliyev is showing that he can be a sniper when on the ice. They are a solid lineup without any weak links.

  5. One thing you failed to mention is the 4th line. I think they are the best 4th in the league. Lizzo, Gundstrum are killing it. This line is so important for the rest of the lines and allows the other lines more room. Also you mentioned Byfield but I wanted to point out his play has been amazing. Once he gets a more polished finishing shot he is going to that much better.

  6. I’ve never had a lack of faith in Talbot. He’s one of those goalies that has been around a lot of teams in the league. But he never was a poor goaltender really anywhere. He plays this good when a team supports him to play to this good if that makes any kind of sense.

  7. The Kings make up for not having any elite players by not having any duds on the roster. Trevor Lewis and Alex Laferriere are probably their two weakest links at the moment, but both have been average at worst. That's wild. Dubois has been playing great hockey but he's on the 3rd line and flanked by less talented teammates than he had in WPG, so it's depressed his point totals, but he's been key to the Kings' depth up the middle. When Lizotte is healthy, this team runs out 4 lines that are relentless, and there's almost no dropoff from their top D pairing of Anderson/Doughty to Englund/Spence. Arvidsson's return will just make that 3rd line even more potent, and Turcotte, Fagemo, and Clarke are ready to take the next step from the AHL whenever there's an injury. Wagon.

  8. Every player on the ice for the Kings are dangerous! Even Talbot had an assist the other night. The worst part is it only gets more dangerous as the game goes on. If you're not ahead by 5 going into the third, you better get to work because Kopi, Kempe, Byfield, Fiala, Danault, and Moore are looking to add 20+ shots alone, and that's not including the other snipers and all D men who are also goal hungry. Blake and Robitaille have done an amazing job and REALLY spent time, energy, and money to build this into a solid franchise. It's going to be a fun cup run for sure!

  9. I'm a huge believer in the idea that a change of scenery can do wonders for a player and it really feels that way with Cam Talbot. He was okay in Minnesota and then obviously well below average in Ottawa. I remember reading an interview with him after he signed with LA this year, and he was so excited when the offer from LA came to him. You kind of got the sense from his answers that he maybe didn't have as much confidence in himself, and a team like this taking a chance on him was huge. And now watching their post-game locker room videos where they're all dancing, you can see how much fun he's having being there and when a player genuinely enjoys where they are that can have a huge impact on how they play. I hope he can keep this consistency and now it looks like Copley is taking good steps forward after a super rough start. Promising season shaping up for the Kings!

  10. The Kings have surprised me, a die-hard Kings fan, with how consistently good they are. Normally the analytics and the eye-test don't agree with each other when it comes to recent-past Kings hockey, but this year they both agree: the team is legit.

    For me, the biggest factor in all of this is an intangible "fun" factor. This team is having fun on the ice, fun in the locker room, fun off the ice. They actually like each other and therefore will go to war for each other. In past seasons I don't think this team could've clawed back a 3 goal deficit like in Tuesday's game against the Blue Jackets but this season they did. In past seasons I'm not sure they could've held onto a lead as consistently as they have, but they have.

    This is, so far, the best team I've seen the Kings field in a long time. There may be speed bumps, but I think they're going all the way this year.

    GKG 👑

  11. No good defensemen? Not top 25 players in the league? Typical uninformed east coast/canadian homer. Kings D #1 in the league. Ever heard of Drew Doughty? No way Anze Kopitar is not a top 3player in the league.

  12. Having one of the best penalty kills in the league (number 2).
    They have a okay power play even without Viktor Arvidsson they could go deep in the playoffs if the goalies stay consistent

  13. Easy subscription! I’m sure other people are talking about the kings by now, but for all the hockey videos I watch yours is the first to come up about them! Seriously man thank you.

    I moved from LA out to the Midwest so it’s extra tricky getting any kind of coverage for this team, so happy to see them finally being recognized! Thanks man! And GKG!

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