@Toronto Maple Leafs

This Is WORST CASE scenario for the Leafs

This is bad… Joseph Woll just went down for the Leafs which i s very bad. We’ll break that down as we cover the Toronto Maple Leafs vs the Ottawa Senators. All that and more on today’s NHL hockey video.


  1. how have you made a video on this before making one on the 11-0-0 Kings who are one of If not the best in the show rn…… im starting to think youre a hater

  2. "worse case scenario" ? how? im not worried about goalies…. im worried about the defense… and any leaf fan would know that.

  3. classic leafs but no these don't Leafs don't quit no matter what happens so good on them for sticking to it even though Woll went down and that is why you sign a guy like Jones to come in moments like this. GLG! 2 points in the bag wish woll speedy recovery. I believe Leafs will have to be even better team defense wise. Yes Sammy has to step up which is can and Martin Jones is a solid back up leafs got depth its exactly for this reason so no they aren't screwed.

  4. Honest opinion here from a Leafs fan. I feel like Samsonov is due to return to form. In his last 5 starts he's had 3 really solid showings, one that kept the Leafs in the game completely with the Bruins who were scorching at the time. I agree, Woll has been incredible. Woll will most likely be the Leafs starter next season.

    If the Leafs are smart, and I don't think Keefe is that smart, he runs a Woll/Samsonov tandem throughout the year to 1) get Woll used to a higher workload in the big leagues, as he has only played 7 NHL games maximum in previous seasons until this year, 2) keep both goalies rested and have momentum coming from both of them headinf into the playoffs. The Leafs relied too much on Freddie Andersen back in 2017-20, and his 50-60 game seasons lead to him being burnt, terrible come playoff time. Yes, a starter should play more than the backup, but a starter should not be handling the load for 75+% of games.

  5. This sucks so bad I watched only a little bit like up to David kampfs goal I thought when I was looking at stats and woll was there and Martin’s jones was in net I thought maybe they played him in the dying moments of the third

  6. As much as i hate to see woll going down as a leafs fan, it isnt the end of the world, the guy has a long career ahead of him and we have good goalie depth. The problem is the defense needs to figure out hoe to not consistently give up 30+ shots per game.

  7. Woll absolutely stole that game tonight.. so weird that after so many 10 bell saves a nothing backhand from the 4th line centre would take him out

  8. It's clearly his left knee. Likely an ACL tear because he leaned really heavily on his knee in that angle.

  9. I still believe in Sammy and Jones as a backup i don't mine at all. It's the defense that worries me, Sammy and Jones are going to need more help from the defense and the D is really bad

  10. I mean sammy was the reason the leafs were top 5 last year and out clutched vasy in the first round…i feel like he’ll regain is mojo at some point…now’s as good as time as any…with the leafs offense woll can take time to recover so i dont have the doom and gloom feeling…

  11. The bad: Woll is the Leaf's starter, the kid is solid and robbed 4 goals in 2 periods tonight. I want him back asap as long as he can stay healthy.
    The good: Samsonov hasn't been terrible of late and Jones is a solid third string goalie

  12. I blame tree-living and Tavares for Woll's injury! If you look closely at last night's game, you'll see that Woll had to make no fewer than six 10-bell saves including 3 breakaways!! Tree-living has known for weeks now that the defense has been non-existent and did nothing about it! The leafs D left Woll hanging out to dry and were outshot 38 to 22. Woll was overworked and not supported. Then you have a parasitic $11M forward in tavares who is clueless and hopeless defensively and no better offensively and should never have been named captain! And finally, you have a coach in keefe who is equally inept and incapable of training and helping the defenders he does have become better at what they do. Keefe is useless! Feel sorry for Woll!

  13. Samsonov/Jones is actually really solid options. Jones didnt have a great sv% last year but he also had 27 wins tied w Samsonov. Samsonov is a solid goalie. He had a .919 last year but also had better defence infront of him. Obviously not ideal but when is it ideal when you lose your #1. Woll has done everything in his power to keep the leafs head above water during the depleted blueline. but Samsonov/Jones is also very solid. There is a bunch of teams in the league that wish they had that depth in net.

  14. I said last year the Leafs were 2-3 years away from seriously contending for the cup. The injury to Woll isn't going to affect much this season anyway. Hope it's not serious.

  15. Sammy seems like the type of guy who plays better without the pressure of another goalie in the mix…he is not afraid of Jones and his sub .890 % over the past 5 years. I say this allows for Sammy to get back to form (until Woll pushes him again).

  16. How is this the WORST CASE?
    He is alive and they won the game…
    Sure, it sucks to lose a goalie, and I wish him a speedy recovery, but my point is that there are at least these two things that could have been worse…

  17. I hurt my groin playing goalie a few years ago. It was such a normal play but man it was annoying to heal. Small things would irritate it that you wouldn't expect.

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