@Vegas Golden Knights

Alec Martinez first career playoff goal! Game 3 Stanley Cup Finals Devils @ Kings

Surprised Marty didn’t get the whistle.


  1. I'm rooting for the Kings. But that play should have been blown dead. Looking at it objectively, the puck was under his pad for about a full 2 seconds. He should have gotten the whistle. It seems like the ref assumed it was loose because there was no way, from his angle he could see the puck. No way.

  2. Agree. Its sad, it completely changed the game. While you can't say the Devils would have managed to win the game had they kept the momentum going, it was obvious it was over after the goal and the series is now out of reach. But, seams like ever since the Brett Hull, skate in the crease, how many years ago, there has been at least 1 game the refs won/lost for a team ever since in the finals.

  3. It's not the Kings fault they lost their momentum. They had to do whatever it took to stay in that game, and to me it seems like they gave up.

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