@Montreal Canadiens

Fans are divided over this..

OK Guys, it’s time to take a look at Montréal Canadiens forward Sean Monahan. Who is currently in the last season of his contract, and putting up some impressive numbers. Could Kent Hughes move him at the NHL trade deadline for picks/prospects? Lets discuss his value..

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  1. I think you trade him. We are building for the future. Current games can be hard to watch, but we have to power through them for the, hopefully, gold at the end of the rainbow. Any love for any player over 25 has to be short term.

  2. Do NOT trade Monahan! Good centermen are hard to find!!! He's better than Dvorak and Evans! Only trade him IF the return is IRRESISTABLE!

  3. No. I would sign him to an extension NOW. Cap Friendly shows that many Habs will be RFAs or UFAs in the 25-26 season, which I think is the target year to start being a contender. Signing Monahan now to get past that year at $3 -$3.5 per will keep him in place when the team will need depth.

  4. Monahan and Savard and Montembault need to be traded this year. With the way MSL traded Xhekaj , I think a lot of players will want to jump ship.

  5. He's great for the team. I don't think playoff aspirations are in the near future, but he could still be good to have around for some leadership and winning culture (as much as they can get).
    That being said, if his salary expectations are high, and why wouldn't they be, then maybe it's best to let him go. Is he willing to give a nice discount for an extension with a no trade protection? Then it becomes more interesting

  6. i'd like to see him stay…let him age with our team and train our young guys to be good solid players, smell ya later to Josh Anderson tho lol

  7. First round draft choices beyond pick #15 is probably iffy….so the pick would have to be from a team who picks in the top 15. But seriously, why trade one of our best players? Who replaces him? Honestly, we don’t have guys as good as him in the minors, so if we trade him, we will continue to be a MEDIOCRE TEAM. ARENT YOU GETTING TIRED OF THIS.? So, my plan…sign him before trade deadline….

  8. How long til the young guys we have now in the pipeline are ready to go? Would make sense to trade him if those youngings aren’t going to be in the show for a few years.

  9. We clearly have a waaaaays to go in the rebuild. He’s our highest bargaining piece right now for good picks. Keeping him just means we’d lose him for nothing in the off season.

  10. Trade him for sure. He’s deserving to win . And we deserve a little bit for him to boost our future.

  11. There are rumours circulating that San Jose wants to acquire both Xhekaj brothers (Arber & Florian). St Louis has already been noted as not liking how Arber's notoriety has taken away from Guhle's progression. Will the Montreal Canadiens make that mistakable trade? Chicago and Detroit [Chiarot connection] have also , so I have heard (un-confirm), is interested in acquiring Arber. Could a brothers Duo for a 1st rounder Draft Pick be in the works here?

  12. Hmmmmm… Right now, NO WAY… but that is a very short sighted perspective. I think if looking toward the deadline, or even the next season… yes it makes sense to move him before the obligatory ACL/MCL injury hits him! 😉

    Thanks for the great Habs content!!!

  13. Love the guy, hate to see him go unless it’s a massive offer. Great vet presence for the kids and can play literally anywhere and is a faceoff stud.

  14. Rebuilds are tricky because you want to build up top end draft positions but you also need to surround your young players with quality vets. Monahan is a quality vet and if he is still healthy come TDL I would be ok either way but would lean slightly towards keeping him.

  15. Trade Monahan (and try to re-sign again a few months later). Trade a few more players if you can. We need to rebuild this rebuild. We still don’t have near a super star on this team.

  16. First round pick and a prospect. Not many centers available this year and lots of playoff teams could use a third line center

  17. Whatever happens with him, i just hope he can stay healthy and remain a solid player. Hes had a ton of bad luck

  18. Monahan is a 'keeper' as far as the Montreal Canadiens are concerned. The have already gotten their 'takings' from Calgary on this trade , and everything else is just gravy on their Steak Tartar.

  19. Always go for the trade in these circumstances imho. If Monahan likes it with Mtl, we can sign him during the summer and he might have enjoyed a nice run for the cup. Seems like a win-win for all parties

  20. Bad analogy. 2:34 In the bush, and breaking trails Elans were bulletproof …the longtracks were beauties and the double tracks were elite! Go with a Rupp or a Merc next time. As for Mony, the Habs should do whatever he wants to do, he’s earned it.

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