@Toronto Maple Leafs

LFR17 – Game 24 – Bliss – Predators 0, Maple leafs 4

Steve Dangle recaps and analyzes Game 24 of the Toronto Maple Leafs season against the Nashville Predators.


#LFR #Leafs #Preds


  1. It would be so sweet to see JT score 1000 points with a bench clearing celebration in long island

  2. I don't think Benoit has been getting enough credit. The past few games I've actively thought "wow who was that with the great poke / play along the boards?" And so often it's Benoit. He might do next to nothing offensively, but in his own zone wow he has been shutting down offenses quietly but effectively. He's earning his ice time and has been a huge bright spot in this injured d core

  3. The only thing that is really bothering me is. Man these guys need to shoot on the PP . Trying to make the perfect pass

  4. I'd say the Sandin hit on Scheifele was pretty big and it kind of started their rivalry since the north division season

  5. Leafs fans: Ryan reeves sucks🤪🤡
    Yeah obviously the guys a freaking goon🤦‍♂️😅

  6. I feel like you and Low Quality Bruins Fan would make a fucking hilarious collab for the next Bruins/Leafs game

  7. The first game in a long stretch that didn’t give me ulcers. I could get used to this kind of effort, please and thx!😅

  8. Leafs are not that dominant against preds since that 9-2 games leafs are 10-6 pretty good but not dominate

  9. If another goalie get's hurt do u think the Hildabeast or Keith petruzzelli? Honestly, I would with petruzzelli just for the reasons of Nick Barten as keeping him in the AHL gives him more confidence and more chances to learn at a faster pace. Throwing a guy in the NHL that works best when he is calm would not be the best situation for a good up and coming goaltender. I know that a good attribute for goalies is being adaptive but those are things he could learn in the AHL. Petruzzelli has been in a backup position before for short period of time giving him more experience. Keep in mind that he is also a big guy ( 6'4 ) and is quite quick. Even though the chances of another goalie from the Leafs roster being out for a certain time is low with the Leafs luck with injuries it would be the most suitable for their given situation right now.

  10. Hey Steve, nice video, but please please please,,, leave George Armstrong alone. Yup, Matthews got his goals in a whole lot less time, for sure. But let's not forget that Armstrong played in a time when Monday's were spent in the dentists chair,…. and let's also not forget that George has 4 Stanley Cups!!!!
    I think Matthews is a great player and a great guy, but hey, let's see him lift Lord Stanley over his head first before we go crowing about him.

  11. Sammy's posts also had a shutout… You know… When he was in the net's other time zone… as usual

  12. It’s a complete performance and checks every box but they were hardly playing a cup contender

  13. Great video but no offence u need a new editor ur literally starting sideways where the graphic is supposed to stay up and theres nothing there lol

  14. as a hawks fan i have no ties to toronto whatsoever but i do enjoy the LFR’s even when the leafs win (unless it’s against my hawks😂)

  15. I for some reason remember a player getting a bench goal as he shot the puck got off the ice and as he was on the bench it ended off the defender and in the back of the net and as player on the bench was last person to touch the puck form his team he was credited for the goal.

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