@Calgary Flames

Academy Conversations: The Danish Girl

The Danish Girl discussion with director/producer Tom Hooper, actors Eddie Redmayne and Alicia Vikander, screenwriter Lucinda Coxo, production designer Eve Stewart, cinematographer Danny Cohen and costume designer Paco Delgado on November 21, 2015 at the Samuel Goldwyn Theater.


  1. The movie is good, but not great. And as much as Eddie tries, unfortunately i did not find entirely him believable in the role. Alicia is the star in this.

  2. I have never watched a movie that had Eddie Redmayne in it that I did not like let alone Love & I cannot wait to see this one .

  3. Was expecting it to be spectacular because of the trailer, the way it edited got my hopes up. Such a beautiful trailer. I did like it though. Alicia's character was the one that stood out to me the most. She was just so lost . Broke my heart.

  4. Alicia is going to win the Oscar as best actress in a supporting role, for sure. Great performance !!!

  5. "The Danish Girl" so delicate, subtle and exquisite a film to all our very senses. Poesy from all angles to view from beginning to end. P O E S Y P O E S Y P O E S Y B R A V I S S I M O to Mr. Hooper, Ms. Vikander, Mr. Redmayne & the entire crew indeed: they well deserve several Oscars, hope they win: my fingers crossed:)

  6. Although Lili is the primary character, she is somewhat selfish and lost. Gerda is the main canon in this movie. It's like Lili is nothing without Gerda that's why we have spot our eyes on Alicia. However, the two had given us a powerful performance. I'm amazed on how Alicia and Eddie supported each other especially on the last. Great actors! I love this movie very much!

  7. Alicia's role was a best actress role; she's on screen 9+ mins longer than Eddie who won for Best Actor. The film's distributors put her up for Supporting Actress because they believed she was likely to win in that category and felt her chances weren't as good in Best Actress for the Oscars and SAG awards, though for GG awards she WON best actress. I think they were wrong about that category perception. I think Alicia would have won in any category because of the massive quality of her work in such a complex and subtle role. She'd have given Brie Larson are real run for the statue is my thought.
    Alicia and Jennifer Lawrence are going be the Meryl Steeps of their generation and may surpass even Meryl's career…. I suspect Meryl might agree with me.
    Mark my words.

    Here's IMDb trivia's comment about this issue: "Alicia Vikander's Oscar nomination for Best Actress in a Supporting Role, instead of Best Actress in a Leading Role, was seen by many as a critical category fraud, as she has 59 minutes and 37 seconds of screen time, or 49.9% of the movie's length, this amount of screentime qualifies her for a Best Actress Oscar. Distributor Focus Features decided to campaign for Vikander as supporting actress because they thought it would increase her chances of winning, as she would have been competing against Brie Larson for her role in Room (2015) decreasing her chances of winning the award. Vikander has refused to comment on the debate."

    On the business side of things… I also suspect the distributors' concern that presenting Alicia in Best Actress category might have diminished Eddie's chances in his Best Actor category. It wouldn't be the 1st time a female's achievement has been demoted to support/benefit a male's achievement in a film. Btw that doesn't make Alicia a victim; it makes the distributors artistic cynics.
    (Pardon the lengthy comment but I've been wanting to say this somewhere and this seemed the best spot.)

  8. I've only just watched this film recently, and the screenwriter is wrong. This is not at all close to what happened in real life and I was very disappointed to learn this.

  9. I watched the movıe ın London when ı was vısıtıng from australıa. It remınds me of my Trıp. The endıng was so sad , ı love the soundtrack too. It has been so hard for the transgender communıty , ı dıdnt realıse.

  10. A great thought out story, with actors taking the story to their hearts… And six years on Eddie Redmayne apologising for playing a trans…. What happened to acting in character? What a sad world we live in now.

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