@Detroit Red Wings

Game Stat Card (12/9/23 v OTT)

Game Stat Card (12/9/23 v OTT)

by ForkzUp


  1. Veleno was great tonight. All over the ice all the time. I also thought Chiarot actually played really well too. Kane seemed good offensively, but boy did he look lazy out there at times – just coasting, even near the puck.

  2. RocketSZN

    This was just a forget about it game. Like to see that Kane is still a beast tho

  3. cabbagesquid

    Watched the whole game and seemed like Fischer was better than what this says ๐Ÿคท

  4. HercHuntsdirty

    Games like this make me wish Kostin was in the lineup to run someone through the glass

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