@Detroit Red Wings

David Perron Appreciation Post

David Perron Appreciation Post

by Salamangra


  1. I’m glad he’s got passion but he went after a completely unrelated sens player and tried to do a flying cross check to the face. Zub’s only crime was trying to waive over the medic from the bench for Larkin.

  2. His retaliation was incredibly stupid. We would be flying off the handle if what he did had happened to one of our players.

  3. DarkRitNighthawk

    I get wanting to stick up for the captain, but come on man, at least get the right guy

  4. Someone commenting ā€œW teammateā€ on a video of what Perron did and Larkin liking the comment tells me everything I need to know

  5. lunchboxsnackpak

    Nope Perron did what I would want when I get smoked. Find a bag and punch it!

    Edit: fixed autocorrect

  6. Slewislewis729

    As much as I like Perron, and appreciate his willingness to stand up for his teammates, he went to far last night. Whatā€™s worse is he went for the head of Zub. Not even that zub didnā€™t do anything. Perron has had concussion issues himself and should know no matter what not to go for the head.

  7. I can tell the people who never played hockey on here. What Perron did should get him the teammate of the year award. You stick up for your guys someone K.O.s my guy I am gonna break your fucking jaw. I applaud him.

  8. TheHeavyweightChamp

    I take zero issue with Perron did. He was spun around and didnā€™t see the play. When he turns back around, he sees Zub standing over Larkin face down in a snow angel on the ice. You donā€™t have time to think in that moment. Adrenaline and emotion take over. He was defending his captain. Thatā€™s a good teammate. Was it unfortunate he got the wrong guy? Yes, of course.

  9. I’m halfway on this, the emotion and fire from him is what we need. Cross checking guys in the head, and it being against the guy who was actually calling for play to be stopped, just ain’t it.

    Throw your stick down, hit the right guy.

    We’re better than Sens fans guys, come on.

  10. SevenStringGod

    Incoming most justified suspension I’ve ever seen. I’ll never talk badly about Perron again.

  11. My initial thought was that somebody gotta do something, I applaud Perron for stepping up. Watching it over and over again I still cant explain what really caused Larkin to fall unconscious. Perron acted in the moment. And im sure he have been having having contact and apologized for the reaction and im just as sure that nobody on the other team is blaming him either.

  12. Kinda bad taste after he committed an obviously pretty egregious penalty yesterday.

  13. MintyFreshStorm

    Good on him for standing up for Larkin. Someone has to if the refs and DOPS won’t.

    Still, his means were wrong and we should call him out for it. If he doesn’t get suspended I’ll be mad. We need stuff like that out of the game. Hits to the head are an absolute no go and things need to change or we’ll have another Moore incident.

  14. This thread is going to make us a laughing stock.

    We shouldn’t celebrate cross checking a guy in the face.

    When it happened, I didn’t think much of it because I too was seeing red, but once the dust settled, it was clearly a bad decision. It’s good that he wants to stick up for a teammate, but he went about it the wrong way. Take that same emotion, and… Do basically anything besides taking a stick to someone’s face.

  15. Imnotusingyourapp69

    What Perron did was an unintentional accident, he only meant to hug Zub and accidentally slipped cross checking him in the face. This can happen to anyone as we see with Joseph in this game and last season against Tampa.

  16. oceanic8675

    I donā€™t have an issue with Perron mistakenly going after the dude hovered over our unconscious Captain.

    I have a big issue with the cross check to the head. Thatā€™s dangerous. Imagine if Zub got seriously injured when he was actually trying to draw attention to Larkin? I am glad heā€™s okay. I hope Larkin is okay.

  17. I got a three day ban from r/hockey for saying ā€œsomebody had to get itā€ lol

    These people wouldnā€™t have been able to handle 90s hockey.


  18. SweatyBeaver8

    Not going to lie this is a bad look, I know itā€™s a joke based off the Sens sub but come on we canā€™t try and be high and mighty and claim we are better than them and then pull this

  19. lesser_mook

    Only unfortunate thing here is Zub getting it instead of 2-1. Suspend-able? Sure. Take it, gladly. Usually not one for retribution, but too many teams have been taking too many liberties against this team for the past several seasons since they really havenā€™t had the personnel to respond. If I saw a teammate laying on the ice like that you best believe Iā€™m looking for the closest white jersey to wipe out.

  20. navenlgrw

    Good idea, bad execution. We should hold ourselves to a higher standard than this. This entire incident makes wings fans look really bad.

  21. Alecboyyes

    I understand heat of the moment stuff, but I’m not going to defend deliberate cross-checks to the head.

    Plenty of ways to get even but that ain’t it.

  22. Strypes4686

    Good teammate and hard-nosed player… needs to drop the stick before he goes after guys.

  23. Jeez-essFC

    A little silly by Perron, but he was probably expecting his linemates to each grab someone, too and he got left hanging.

  24. Spreadsheet-Wizard

    I feel bad for Zub. He was clearly trying to call for help when Perron saw him standing over Larkin’s limp body and assumed he was the culprit. Dirty hit by Joseph, but he, too, was calling for help. All around tragic incident. But I think it showcases that most of the guys out there don’t want to see anyone else hurt.

  25. HercHuntsdirty

    Too bad Kostin wasnā€™t in the lineup to run someone through the glass

  26. maxwellbevan

    I appreciate all Perron does as a player but I don’t appreciate him cross checking another guy in the head. We would be livid if the roles were reversed. I get it he spun around and just saw red but when that happens throw the gloves off and fight, don’t cross check someone in the head. Dude is now going to get suspended and hurt us in the long run

  27. I’d like to see Perron apologize to Zub and say he wishes it had been Joseph instead.

  28. dmorley21

    I like him as a person, but heā€™s been example number one of taking bad penalties and bad times this year. I also think Iā€™d rather seem him on a third line that gets offensive minutes and a second power play unit, but thatā€™s a coaching issue. Iā€™ve also heard heā€™s a great teammate.

    As for last nightā€™s attack on Zub, it was bad. Iā€™m fine with the coming suspension. You absolutely cannot do that. Even worse, the guy he attacked had no part with what happened to Larkin and was trying to wave for help.

    Fischer fighting Joseph was the right response. Seider and others throwing big hits and being sure to finish their checks was the right response.

  29. Player of the game was that puck that hit Kelly in the face

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