@National Hockey League

How the hell does a player like rat Marchand with a history of slew foot and dirty hits get away with shit like this yet again?

I see intent to injure and he literally is on long term injury now. Shame on the leafs for not doing anything but shame on the officials and NHL players safety too for letting him get away with this.

by moderngamer6


  1. Over-Locksmith-1114

    Fine referees who miss calls. Its the only way

  2. michealgaribaldi

    I’d be more concerned about the dumb fuck dumbass dipshit in the striped shirt standing there staring at that and doing absolutely nothing. That waste of space could be reffing your favourite team next.

  3. jurkajurka

    Seems like a daily occurrence now, but how is this missed when the ref is right there watching the play?

  4. BruinsFan_08

    Because it wasn’t a dirty play. This has been discussed at length and you’re clearly looking for click bait.

  5. veloxaraptor

    I mean, same way Anders Lee gets away with it twice in one game as well.

    Because the refs are shit and very clearly have favorites.

  6. Willing_Canary4415

    You fucking stupid morons saying this is a hockey play and unintentional are complete and utter morons who know nothing about hockey. This dude is dirty. Period I’ve seen him slewfoot several people in this same way. He must be unintentionally doing it over and over again according to you fuckin cunts

  7. I hate Marchand as much as the next guy, but that doesn’t look like a dirty play to me. Unintentionally took the guy down while going for the puck by stopping before hitting the boards

  8. jcward1972

    Reaves let him get away with it, and Domi let him get away with it. Bertuzzi let him away with it. Besides, it was over a month that ago, build a bridge and get over it, or you gonna ride this all the way to May and say this is the reason you never won the cup.

  9. Not dirty. Anyone who knows/watches hockey can see it. Marchand checks him, both players are setting skate edges, and he loses his balance. If you are implying it’s a “slew foot”, nope. Does Marchand have a reputation? Yup. You saying dirty play cause its Marchand? Yup. Given his reputation, if it was remotely dirty, he would have been penalized.

  10. HolyPizzaPie

    Omfg did you just tune into the season or what. It’s body positioning for the puck, then he’s trying to get the edge of his skate in so he doesn’t eat shit too.

  11. stucazz1001

    Why hasnt reeves beaten this clowns ass to a pulp yet is what im wondering

  12. xtzferocity

    I think all there is here is a 2 min minor for tripping.

    I don’t think Marchand intended on tripping or slew footing Liljegren but his feet were tied up with Liljegrens and he goes down.

    If anything the guy watching it there with a whistle should face some sort of consequence.

  13. BangYourHead

    Why are we talking about this now? This game was over a month ago, didn’t we already have this discussion? I didn’t love this play either but I thought we had moved on already, why are we posting about it now?

  14. Aggressive_Hold2453

    He’s way more competitive than your guy and he’s a winner something tells me your team does not have a good captain or a competitive team

  15. proof-grass-

    Gtfoh that happens in hockey all the time. No intent sad but it happens. Stupid asf

  16. PositiveAccountant51

    kinda nifty move. he didn’t actually slew foot … was stopping at same time and hard in his stick that pulled the Dman into continuous contact with him. It was like 3 incomplete penalties at once. Boy is Marchand ugly.

    Let the downvotes commence you fucks

  17. TheFrozenCanadianGuy

    Is this from earlier this season or yesterday??

  18. Kyrie_Swirving11

    Why are we still posting this play. It’s been talked about so much…you know…back when it actually happened

  19. 1minuteman12

    Found the guy who’s never played hockey. If you find intent to injure there it’s because you’re trying really hard to find it. This is a common play that happens multiple times every game. Touch grass.

  20. genericguysportsname

    I wish Marchand got What he deserves. Hate that punk

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