@Winnipeg Jets

I wish this shocked me. Sigh.

I wish this shocked me. Sigh.

by MoNa-Luke


  1. ynotbuagain

    Not McJesus I guess it doesn’t matter! What the actual fuck?!?

  2. Sawbones64

    Department of player “safety” is a complete and utter joke.

  3. You_muppet_donkey

    This is such bullshit. Strome didn’t do it intentionally, but it was absolutely lazy and reckless and needs to be suspended. Fuck the DOPS and fuck George Parros with a spiked 15” dildo.

  4. hoborococo

    Captain Lowry should have a nice chat with him upon their next meeting.

  5. How is this protecting players from reckless play? Fuck the NHL

  6. PeterPuck99

    He’ll have a hearing January 5th. You can’t let that shit happen to your best players without extracting a price.

  7. Jets will have to sign a couple goons to a one game contract for March 15th.

  8. ScottyDoesKnow20

    Does anyone have any info on this, when was the last time a player committed a suspension worthy play against the Jets and actually got suspended?

    It doesn’t feel like it happens often but I don’t follow stuff like that enough to know.

  9. Duck_Caught_Upstream

    I’m shocked

    I didn’t have high hopes, but the vague precedence set by the NHL before was that a knee on knee that injured another player would be 2 games

    Still not enough IMO but at least something

    This is ridiculous. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Jets released some kind of statement or are attempting to do some kind of follow up. I don’t think this is over

  10. Purplebuzz

    Check the video and make sure there was no rainbow tape. They might act if there was.

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