@Edmonton Oilers

Edmonton Oilers GAINING LEVERAGE In Trade Talks

7-0-0 is the Edmonton Oilers record in the past 7, the sky is no longer falling, and teams can’t take the Oilers tot he cleaners as bad as they could have three weeks ago. Let’s discuss this new development on the trade front!
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  1. Jeff Merek made a really good point today on ON, we need a stellar D or a stellar goalie. So our only mission should be a top pair RHD.

  2. If we get a goalie. He has to be much better than Skinner to make it worth while. Otherwise use Skinner and Pickard. Forget Campbell.

  3. Love the vids. 100% need a goalie. Skinner and Picard are doing great so far but our defence is taking a beating. If we want a shot at the Cup need a top tier goalie.

  4. The Oilers can suck in the Blink of an Eye.
    Nurse is a huge Horcoff disappointment.
    So much money.
    So little results.

  5. Ditch Campbell for futures or a bag of pucks. Stud RHD is the move we need to make.. I personally feel that Skinner is going to be able to shoulder this squad… soon.. ish

  6. So far I like what I’ve seen with Pickard, I thought he was awesome back in the 22-23 preseason games and was hoping to see him in action last year.

  7. I'd still definitely be shopping for a goalie but perhaps the urgency is less than a while ago. Perhaps the better play means we can be a little more patient and be able to avoid the dreaded panic trades.

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