@Colorado Avalanche

Chris Tanev Leaves Game With Injury After Massive Hit From Ross Colton

Calgary Flames vs. Colorado Avalanche
2023 – 2024 Season


  1. Players turn to face the board, don't protect themselves, and expect to be safe, because of the new rules. It's just like if players were wearing masks, there'd be a lot more sticks in the face.

  2. He went into decordicate position immediately as falling either to protect himself or thats a neck injury…but it didn’t last long….good sign

  3. Omg!! How many of these stupid stupid plays are they gonna make!!!?!?? Stop turning turning at last fucking second and take a hit!!!

  4. Still don’t understand why they turn toward the board last second when they obviously know the hit is coming lol clean hit

  5. The issue with this as with the Kane vs Brodin and Cousins vs. Gudbranson hit, is that none of these players made any effort to protect themselfs.
    Here It`s a bit different because in the intent to play the puck, Tanev is super extended and Colton is the 2nd guy in, as Tanev was with 28.
    It`s really hard to judge, because what to you expect Colton, Kane and Cousins to do in these situations?
    Stay away? Hell no, of course you put the body in, go on the boards and try to win the puck.
    The result is the problem, in all 3 hits the opponent makes solid contact with the boards.

  6. Did i miss something ? Is hitting from behind allowed now ? Honest question as thats 2 days in a row players are getting destroyed frkm behind which used to be major penalties

  7. Tanev turns at the last second to try and avoid a hit, he put himself in a bad spot. If you have played hockey before it’s a tough position, but you are better off taking the hit than turning away from it. That’s on Tanev

  8. Boarding, but at least this one wasn't egregious like many of the others this season. Looked like he actually made some attempt to gain position to play the puck instead of just driving through his back. Still though, hockey players are their own worst enemies right now.

  9. Clean hit. Unfortunately the guy wasn’t ready to get hit when your playing a game that involved hitting. It’s not boarding if your hitting a guys who’s facing you. Same thing happened to Makar earlier this season when he was slow playing the puck. He had a really awkward fall into the boards was much worse than this guys.

  10. Not dirty at all but I'd understand if it got called boarding. Really fast play, hard to know for sure. I feel like Tanev wanted to pull off a cut back hoping to dodge most of the contact but instead all he did was turn himself into a more vulnerable position

  11. Good job refs way to not call boarding. Guess they didn’t learn their lesson last night night in the cousins incendent. If te refs aren’t going to do their job the players will and it will get worse

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