@Ottawa Senators

The NHL Has A MAJOR Problem Right Now

In today’s video I discuss the events that occurred this past weekend and talk about why the NHL needs to act right now before things get even worse.

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  1. UPDATE: Detroit’s David Perron has been suspended for six games for cross-checking Ottawa’s Artem Zub. CBJ Erik Gudbranson has been suspended for one game.

  2. Strome needs to be out for the rest of the year. Screw garey betman that little twit has ruined the safety of the league

  3. I'm glad Guddbransom went after Cousins the way he did. Not that it was the right thing to do, but because the refs couldn't serve justice properly. The player who took exception to the play, finished the play. The league has always been a joke when it comes to suspensions, this season is nothing new.

  4. It's the league office itself. Betman is the star of this ugliness. They couldn't officiate a kids t-ball game. Offside- forget about it'

  5. NHL has to increase the fines by a ton and start dolling out suspensions that have teeth, it is ridiculous how weak both are. most penalties are accidental or not dangerous per se (tripping, interference, high sticking (can be obviously), delay game, slashing etc) but the dangerous ones cross checking, boarding should be 4mins or 5min. and how da fluck was kanes not a penalty geez

  6. Viewing the highlights of this weekend's game, it's hard to take NHL referees and the NHL Department of Player Safety seriously.

  7. You are actually the major problem with hockey right now. It has become soccer-on-ice essentially because of the Americanization of the game. And all the effete, American soccer mommies who don’t want the dreaded “violence in the game.”
    Hockey is violent. Especially as it evolved in Canada. It’s a brutal (and beautiful) MAN’s game.
    Quit your whining.
    The problem isn’t the heavy hits. It’s wimps like you.

  8. I dont have a problem with retaliation for what players feel was a dangerous hit.

    I DO have a problem with these players scuffling and fighting after these hits with NO REGARD for the player on the ice. Larkin almost got it even worse due to Perron being an idiot

  9. I have no idea how the NHL rules things at the moment. Seems like it`s very random.

    Kane vs. Hartmann / Brodin- it`s boarding and it should been called. It`s not a 5+ though. But Brodin puts himself in a very dangerous position and made 0 efforts to protect himself. Still, doesn`t allow Kane to run him in the boards seeing numbers only. Should have been 2. Hartmann 2 min. is right also. Refs often miss the first foul and call the 2nd.
    The issue is, this is not even close to the clearest 2 mins. not given. McD got tripped up badly in the 3rd. And before the last shot of Min, Ekholm is bluntly tripped up in the neutral zone. There`s 0 consistency even in the same game.

    Gudbranson – same story. He kinda puts a big target on his head and brings him into a very vulnerable position. Why do NHL players nowadays not protect themself anymore? What does he expect Cousins to do? To stay away? The contact there is a must.
    He then takes matters in his own hands, which i get but isn`t that possible with the puck and a hard hit?

    Same with Perron – i have no idea how Sens #21 Joseph gets away with this, he punches one hand to the neck, one to the chin. How`s that not a 5+? Kelly is just unlucky, Larkin seems to be out and falls right into his hand.
    Perron did the right thing to seek retaliation, but to the wrong guy and in the wrong way. For me, this scene needs a response way more than the other 2.
    You can`t allow your C getting knocked out from behind.
    But you can`t do it like Perron did. No way that you should crosscheck to the head to the next guy around.
    He earned the suspension. But how in this world does he get 6, and Joseph 2 mins?

    The knee hit on Connor, bad. Should be suspended.

    I have no idea how the DoPS handles it all, there`s no consistency.
    So overall we have:
    Kane: 0
    Hartmann: 2 mins

    Cousins: 2 mins
    Gudbranson: 5+ 1 game

    Kane and Cousins got a bit lucky, Hartmann got 2 mins for his punch. Gudbranson did headhunt and got 1 game, which i think is ok.

    Perron got 6, which i think is ok.
    Joseph got 2 mins, which leaves me WTF.
    Kelly got 2 mins, what for exactly?

    Strome got 5+ for the knee hit, which is right.

  10. I don't understand how you are defending you're teammate AFTER he's been hit. That's like putting a bullet-proof vest on a guy whoh as already been shot and killed.

  11. My biggest gripe about this is it's getting old and sad that players are acting this way over normal legal hits

    Oh no i looked bad/my teammate looked bad on that completely legal and clean hit… let me attack him cuz i am really mad grrrrr

    I miss the 90s hockey and really wish i could have seen the 70's and 80's hockey…

  12. Need to take the outcome out of the punishment. Warren foegle was punched in the back of the head the same way a couple games ago. If we punish both, neither will happen

  13. I blame Fanduel. I feel as if these officials can easily change the game. Maybe it is just me but ever since these betting apps came about the officials have gotten worse in different sports. They should not be allowed to bet on games.

  14. Perron shouldnt be on this list.

    That wasnt about justice, it was about trying to injure a guy by using a stick as a weapon. Pure cowardice.

  15. I still can't believe the two Sens players who took down Larkin, ended up with just two minor penalties. The Red Wings loss two players. The Senators had to kill some penalties. After which they went on to win easily. Retribution gets you fined and suspended. Time for the Red Wings too give it first.

  16. The league is turning into a joke and they seem to cover it up. I think Parros is officially brain dead, how does he not give cousins a suspension for that hit?

  17. I can’t believe that the NHL is not even giving Strome a warning for the knee on knee hit never mind a fine and suspension like it should be.

  18. Gavrikov was hit knee on knee by Lee on Saturday no call he also slewfooted kaliyev then he scores both goals against the kings

  19. I've seen way more charging and boarding where the principle point of contact was the head that were non calls already this season than most. If officiating can't or wont get this under control, we will see a return of enforcers. I love old time hockey, but I don't think anyone wants to see teams having to goon it up again.

  20. Lee goot away with a slew foot and knee on knee against the Kings the other night as well. Same deal with no calls on either leading to frustration.

  21. Take a look at the kings isles game Lee knees Gavrikov (no penalty) , scores thereafter , then slew foots Kaliyev and scores another goal to tie the game. Arguably should be in the box yet scores 2 goals. Lee seemed liked player that got away with his originally kneeing. I’m a kings fan but this is not good for hockey. Roles reversed, not good to see your guys give or receive these dangerous needless infractions. Seems there’s Not a lot of respect out there

  22. Joseph drilled Larkin headfirst into the boards when he played for Tampa. this was after Larkin was already out due to a cross check in the neck from Benn that left him injured. Larkin retaliated against Joseph and gets suspended. Message of the NHL. Be the one who attempts to injure, and if someone retaliates, we’ll punish them.

  23. Why is Kane even in the league anymore!? Guy needs to go. He’s had way too many cheap shots in his past to still be playing

  24. Its not just the refs, hockey isnt figure skating – you on the ice, keep your head up and dont just turn your back towards anyone wearing an opponent jersey hoping to draw a penalty and with the dumb mentality ive seen more often in the last 6yrs "well I feel like playing with myself against the boards , as long as i dont turn around or look up im in a safe place!"

  25. Department of player safety doesn't care about player safety. Its as simple as that. They are making too much money by betting on games. NYR player holds a stick with both hands and swings at another player's head, nothing happened to Trouba…..that was a few weeks ago and there were a couple of videos that week too…now this happened this week….go figure. It will continue because of the money involved.

  26. It's not a new problem, they're paid well over 10000x the average wage, (yes you read that right, do the math it's a major cash grab on ticketholders, who should be in all fairness children), and because the stakes are raised that high, you get this bush league crap. If Kelly doesn't get suspended for his butt end on Larkin, we have to question the league's integrity on holding players responsible for their own stick. They're usually pretty good at holding them accountable for that, so let's see if they maintain their integrity or lose it now.

  27. Joseph crosschecking larkin in the neck causing him to go unconscious and receiving nothing during the game or from player safety is insane to me. So dangerous.

  28. The worst thing in the league right now is how players attack a player who has committed a perfectly legal solid check. It's like ANY check now results in a fight. You come across the middle with your head down and get slammed, that's on you not the checker. Unfortunately, within seconds some teammate will jump the guy who threw a perfectly legal check. It's crap.

  29. Kane is a drunk, gambling POS that should be bounced from the league. He has shown a willingness to hit with intent to injure! He probably layed out a bet that Brodin was going to suffer an injyry in the 3rd period! Just because Edmonton helped bail him out on his huge financial defaults, drunken, abusive behavior and enabled it to continue, the NHL should ban him as a dirty player!

  30. Rick Nash said it years ago after getting a cheap shot that lead to an injury, the NHLPA doesn’t defend the victim they defend the offender and too many players lack respect for one another’s health.

  31. No that hockey usa 🇺🇸 learn where hockey come from and how it was play before now is a Joke don't panic

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