@Edmonton Oilers

Edmonton Oilers Win Seven Straight

The Edmonton Oilers have looked like themselves again, winning seven straight games. NHL Now talks about their growth over this season.

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  1. Credit Mark Stuart for the PK

    Credit Coffey for bringing D to life

    Credit Jack Campbell being in the minors for goaltending

    Credit Knobby for the Offense. Keeping lines together and giving everyone a role

  2. There's no way people wrote the oilers off after a bad start. 100 wins last 2 years and 5 playoff rounds played. They are a cup contender 100%.

  3. Any idiot writing off any team only 20 games in is ridiculous, at game 41 you can start to see potential, anything can and will happen, teams like Canuck’s and flyers are going to fall hard before game 82

  4. Oilers are outworking teams and the opposing teams aren’t used to it. Oilers broke the will of every team these played on this win streak outside of Winnipeg.

  5. This girl still thinks this is the dead puck era lol Fans don’t go to hockey games to watch 1-0 games IN THE REGULAR SEASON. It’s boring to watch teams struggle to score. Today’s game is all about speed, skill, and creativity. The times you will see games tighten defensively is during the playoffs. But we’re not even at the half way point to start that conversation. There’s still a lot of run way in the regular season. She brought up a ridiculous point to suggest.

  6. Why do you have dumb people on your show who don't know what they are talking about?

    They have won 5-0, 3-1, 6-1 and 4-1 among those last 7 games.

    So when you say, "I'd like to see them win a 1-0 hockey game"

    Do you mean you want them to score less? What kind of a weird metric is that to measure a good team by?

    This is lunacy.

  7. No credible source has stopped believing that the Oilers would make the playoffs. Just look at the Vegas odds of the Oilers making the playoffs (they never changed)

  8. Something tells me , she doesn't watch oiler game's. She sounded clueless. Oilers have been 500. Or so the last two seasons come all star Break. Finished the season on fire 🔥

  9. Man are the NHL network some casuals. This team went 2-11-2 in 21-22 and ended up second in the division , they were always going to bounce back, they weren’t dead in the water with a 2-20-1 record or something. It’s just because it was at the beginning of the season, everything got blown out of proportion

  10. You simply dont know hockey if you at any point thought the Oilers would not make it. To assume McDavid would never have 15 bad games in a row over his career is also equally as idiotic.

    I get these guys have to say things in order to get clicks, but holy fuck, the vast majority of fans were smoking some dank shit…

  11. The one on the left is none too bright…and has an annoying squawk. You dont need to win 1-nothing to demonstrate defense. Anytime you limit the opposition to one goal…that's the brighter conclusion. Eyeroll.

  12. If they want a skirt, at least get someone who is bearable. What I really want to know is when the last time they won a 9-8 game is. Squak… Thats the real question.

  13. Anyone who wrote the Oilers off after the bad start is either a hater or a casual fan. This blonde bimbo is one one of those two. The Oilers are the 2nd best team by quality of shots and high scoring chances through the year as of now. They were outplaying the teams even during the bad stretch, they were just making mistakes that cost them. Now they’ve cleaned it up.

  14. As a hockey fan, you should know better not to say a thing about playoff spots unless you're just talking trash. Say what you want, but there's no USE in talking playoffs except as a guessing game.. Oilers had a bad start, mcdavid seemed worried, and now they have 7 in a row. Talk about what changed, what happened, what didn't happen. I'm an avs fan, and even though we are doing ok on points so far, I have seen some really bad plays by our guys against teams I thought to be mid. I even saw the 8-2 Blues game in person and was completely dumbfounded at missed passes, sluggish movements, and lack of positioning. Then in some games they make it look effortless. The away game trips definitely take it out of the players and in hockey the seasons are so long they barely, if at all, get much of a break.

    Damn rant aside I think we can all agree on one thing, reporting and media in general is becoming bland and shallow. Most of the hockey discussions I watch are just random youtubers that go in depth and make every game and instance compelling and transparent. This just sounds like newscast bloopers where its after the show and they dont have anything else to really say.

    Nah I'm going in, when all you use is buzzwords like "turning the dial up" and "their bread and butter is ____" it completely takes away the true dynamic of hockey. its easy to describe things like that, but when you watch even a 30 second clip there's so many things to point out and analyze that over simplifications are utterly pointless when your talking about a whole team, or even 1 game that happened.

  15. The Oilers have turned the corner and the rest of the NHL ignores them at their peril! They are 100 💯 percent a legitimate Stanley Cup contender!

  16. Either this chick is just an idiot or she actually doesn’t like the Oilers. Straight up looking for anything she can fault amongst a 7 game win streak

  17. I would eat crow because of how I felt about Paul Coffey being the D coach. I was always confused as to why the Oilers were so bad in front of their net with Manson as the coach. Anyway, I am pleasantly surprised of how well they are not only playing in front of their net but also the activation of the D men also. And look at the games they have in hand from that mystery 5 day break. Let’s go OILERS!

  18. Every team gets a heater during the season. Everyone knows the potential of the oilers but at the same time, they will need an absurd winning percentage the rest of the way and can’t afford even a minimum losing skid. I still think that poor start costs them

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