@Pittsburgh Penguins

Clean or Dirty? Penguins Zohorna on Maple Leafs Lagesson #hockey

Clean or Dirty? Penguins Zohorna on Maple Leafs Lagesson – Toronto Maple Leafs player gets hit from behind by Pittsburgh Penguins player.
#shorts #torontomapleleafs #pittsburghpenguins #nhl #clean #dirty #hit #game


  1. 100% Bad Training
    You wouldn't be on My Team doing that to Players near the Boards.
    Kids Learn not to do that when I was Young.
    The NHL need to Ditch the Buddy System for Hiring Staff.
    Signing Big Contracts to Unproven Players, Unsafe Training, 3 on 3 Overtime to Show Off the Big Investment Players.
    They are Destroying Hockey because they like to drink Beer Together.

  2. Ah the memories it wells up of Duncan Keith inadvertently tapping the back skate ,just at the turn, while skating for an icing call. Any time he was out skated to the puck. But that's why we have the race to the dot now.
    So many injuries caused.

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