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‘It’s a BIG DEAL!’ What will Man United do with their debt of over £1 BILLION? | ESPN FC

ESPN FC’s Don Hutchison joins Gab Marcotti on The Gab & Juls Show to discuss Manchester United’s growing debt problem.

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  1. They should never been allowed to buy United. They have just used the club as a cash cow milked it dry they seriously need to go.

  2. the Glazer will not sell this club! they will only sell once they have already sold. these are circumcised pigs, "Animal Farm" pun intended!

  3. But look at all the trophies they have won in the last 10 years and the amazing signings! Pogba, Maguire, Sanchez, Fred, Di Maria, Lukaku, Ronaldo and more! It hurts, but only because my sides are splitting.

  4. But what about if you protest by wearing a GGMU Nowrich City scalf but still pay for your ticket/food/drink/etc…that kind of protest should work right? …riiight?!! 😂

  5. Manchester United has SOOOOOO many tourists going to games, its impossible for everyone to join in on a protest. Esepcially when youve flown to Manchester to watch them play.

  6. A little history lesson. Only 3 managers have won the League at Manchester United. Two of those won the vast majority, Busby and Ferguson. Man Utd are back to the level their history shows them to be, a mid table side who wins the odd Cup. Media darlings for sure. Bloated self importance otherwise.

  7. A more perfect question would be "What are the Glazers going to do with their billion pound debt? "The Glazers borrowed money to buy the club and have so far not used any of their personal wealth to not only pay off the debts but to actually invest in the club All the money spent on players has come out of the club all interest payments from the club NOTHING from the Glazers,the FA and UEFA possibly even the Govt should demand that the Glazers pay off the debts or be forced to sell!

  8. You know when Gab marcotti is quiet and pleasant in his speaking on camera of the mufc situation then it must be really bad. The debt is growing and they are spending less on transfers stating ffp bs its crazy.

  9. The majority of Man U fans are glory hunters from when the team was winning. Now they're stuck, and are afraid of being exposed for what they really are.

  10. THIS IS A FAILURE OF THE FA…How can they allow a leveraged buy out of a club..should never be allowed at all..only with 100% equity should any club sale be allowed

  11. Who cares? Boo hoo, MU has to face the reality like every other club that if you are poorly run over time your club goes downhill. No club has the right to be on top of the league. Did Arsenal cry this much when they had 2 8th-place finishes? Did Liverpool cry this much when they were down for an extended period? Leeds? Nottingham Forest? Everton? The complaining and temper tantrums just delay the hard work to build it up again.

  12. 1 Billions Debt means a total collapse for such a big club and the end of the football. This club could end up in a similar story like Leeds United, Fiorentina, and Parma.
    Real Madrid had almost did this in late 1990s until the great Florentino Perez came in and transformed the club itself into world-beating Galacticos team!

  13. One point that Gab is missing .. the average audience is about 75k and of that about 35% is for away fans and another 5-10% is neutral fans (read not core). This would leave about 30-35k fans and a 10k of that is a strong number.

  14. Well if someone comes after a 4 hour flight to see utd and spends 1.5k to watch it after all the expenses… ye i doubt theyre gonna boycott the game 😂

  15. Man Utd need protection from the clowns raping our club. They are keeping it barely alive like a psychopath from Seven just keep bleeding it.

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