@Buffalo Sabres

Analysis: Rasmus Dahlin Makes Smart, High-Skilled Play That Leads To Sabres Goal

Marty Biron breaks down a great play from Rasmus Dahlin that might have been overlooked in the Sabres last game against the Oilers.


  1. Lol i never even made it to the minors and i use to do this regularly 20 + years ago … didn't always get a lucky assist tho like this one

  2. That play was not worth analyzing. Sure it was smart that he recognized three players turning the same way, but it ends there.

  3. The way I see it as an oilers fan, it that we ALWAYS do chain blocks or backslash looking defence lines, there is never any backup. Once you get passes the snake you have maybe one slow or inexperienced d man like Yama to get through.

  4. Americans and their analysis….. the average Canadian who grew up on an outdoor rink can make this play.

  5. It ends up as a 3 on 3 in the offensive zone, smh was it really that good risking turning the puck over to mcdavid

  6. LOL all these kids /arm chair coaches/ GMs in the comments who probably suck at hockey. You would be deer in headlights playing at the nhl's level of speed. Your nerves would get to you, the pressure would get to you. It was a great play that he made look simple. Kids a fucking stud at 18. Theres levels to this. Im sure we could all make a play like this at our bar league speed. I'm sure some of you are still delusional and think you've been robbed of playing in the NHL yourself (same people who say "if i was born in gretzky's day i coulda played" ). Learn to sit back and enjoy somebody elses success, it'll make you a lot happier in life

  7. Rasmus basically starts the fast break and can hit open teammates with no look passes or by reading the floor , oh and he can score btw , dude is special , he put hockey back on the map for buffalo and new York

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