@Dallas Stars

Cooking Special: Butchering a Whole Deer | S6E06 | MeatEater

Plain and simple: Steve gives the “how to” on breaking down a whole whitetail deer. Steve takes you through the process of transforming a whole deer into steaks, roasts, shanks and doesn’t skip the extras that are often discarded.
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  1. So you only let it hang for a day ive heard and seen people letting it hang for weeks idk how big a difference it makes but i think ill just keep it simple and butcher it the next day

  2. and the interesting thing is to someone like me that comes from a culture that uses everything, it feels like he's wasting a lot of great potentially delicious stuff, like the tongue for example.
    and also the cuts aren't clean and wastes a good amount of meat 😅

  3. why is head shot hunting not recommended? it seems like it would be preferred, minimal meat loss, instant death for the animal.

  4. I used to hunt with my grandfather and great grandfather as a kid. My great is gone now and my grandpa is slowing down, and I really wish I had paid more attention and at least acted like I cared. Gonna take my grandpa hunting this winter. Everything comes full circle

  5. Thank you Steve for this informative video. Im about to go on my 2nd season deer hunt and I just turned 44. Have not harvested a deer yet but eager to fill my freezer with meat to feed my family. There is something so pure in hunting a wild animal to put food on the table. I hope to be succesful this season in CA Zone D11. Please pray for me y'all!

  6. I would use deer for stew chunks, and ground round. Cows are for steak, and roasts. It just seem the most beneficial and easier for me.

  7. Thanks Steve. I was worried I did everything wrong, but I did basically the same as you without having a clear idea. I love the show. Thanks again

  8. it looks like the most important thing in this entire video is……a SHARP knife. without the best tool i feel this job would be much more difficult. any knife recommendations? how do you sharpen yours?

  9. This is not plain and simple. The how to assumes you have bunch of modern stuff. I hunt deer in a Wilderness area in Alaska with no 4-wheelers, etc. we camp in a tent and deal with brown bears. we butcher the deer when home after putting the quarters in a float plane. Some good tips, but most don't work for a field camp on Admiralty Island.

  10. Steve is my hunting dad. I wouldn't have been able to field dress the deer if Steve didn't make a video on it, and it's the same for the first deer I put in the freezer

  11. I am a newly licensed hunter and have been waiting to go but I don’t have others nor family who have hunted and man I wish I can go with someone for my first to help me with the mental side

  12. Not only did i learn a bunch of great techniques, this video made me realize my next purchase should be a nice sized, stainless steel table.

  13. Why the hell am i watching this… Its 3am, i am from greece, ive never gone hunting, never deen close to a dead deer…
    Ive never even seen a deer.

  14. Still learning from everything I watch. You made no mention of the gland in the hind quarters. Should I not be concerned with that? I just got your book. Thanks for everything.

  15. 3:40. Just out of curiosity, but is it possible to use a hose to spray the skinned animal to remove any sticking hair? Or does this not work well?

  16. Your videos help our family put old arguments on best practices to rest 😂 These are great even for generational hunting families.

  17. 1. After quartering and separating the quarters, can you rinse those pieces of meat? I always still have hair on them.

    2. Can you wax wrap the meat and then put in freezer bags?

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