@Anaheim Ducks

Tom Wilson hit John Moore


  1. Didn't look like a bad hit? It was 100% from behind and his head and body were slammed into the boards at high speed… sounds like the exact definition of a bad hit to me. All this Wilson guy does is hurt people, the fact he gets paid to "play" hockey is kinda gross to me when there are people out there just trying to play the game, but that's a story for another day I guess.

  2. He had his back turned for like 5 seconds, and it wasn't even that hard of a hit, no problem, unfourtunately he asked for it

  3. The hit was from behind but Wilson did not hit him nearly as hard as he could have. He just kind of bumped Moore but his head looked like it snapped into the glass.

  4. Looks way softer in this video because the quality is shit, in real time it was absolutely a hard and dirty hit.

  5. If you think it's dirty watch it again. and again.
    How was Wilson supposed to not hit him?
    His intention was to finish his check.
    He kept his shoulder down, and his elbow, he didn't leave his feet, he even stopped skating to avoid the charge and he targeted (or attempted to) make contact with the shoulder not his head.
    and the hit wasn't in the danger zone

    Moore needs to protect himself you can't go into the corner thinking you won't get hit. You can't just expose yourself and think it's "ok".

  6. Clean hit….Moore kept his back turned with the puck the whole time to avoid contact and to gain more time. He looked over his shoulder twice, so he was well aware that someone was coming. In today's game there is always someone on you, and you cant hold onto the puck for any length of time. I do not think Wilson had bad intention on the hit, and unfortunately a serious injury occurred. Nobody wants to see anyone get inured in this great game we all love. Wilson has done way worse in other instances. I hope Moore has full recovery.

  7. Meanwhile only one Devil tried to sand up for his hurt team mate and get at Wilson while the rest of the team just stands there watching. What a joke this team has become. Almost no aggresion, they hardly hit, 0 intimation, not a single player worries about crossing that blueline against the Devils. Where's the team I used to love. Make them regret crossing with the puck! This is just pathetic. Every devil out there should have been on Wilson, clean hit or not.

  8. Hockey fans can be so ridiculous and I ususally assume it's the people who never played the game. When a guy turns his head just as a player is about to him and it's called boarding everyone bitches about the player the who tuned his head. Then you have like this play where a guys entire body is facing the boards for about 1.5 seconds for the opposing player to see, which is a millenium in NHL time. If you see a players name plate and numbers and he's next to the boards then you don't make the hit. It's literally one of the first you learn when you become old enough to play contact hockey. You can kill someone or paralyze them for life and it's not an exaggeration. Tom Wilson is dirty anyway people that defend him remind me of the Matt Cooke defenders pre 2005 lockout. One day it become indefensible by the fans and his teammates.

  9. i came back to this video & idrk why but i was at this game – it was dead silent during this moment.

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