@Boston Bruins

Ethan Ruh for Callahan 2023, W&M Men’s Ultimate

William & Mary Men’s Ultimate is proud to nominate Ethan Ruh for the 2023 Callahan Award. #1 shmeat receiver in the nation.
Vote here:
Ruh’s Callahan biography:
Film credits: Mark Brothers, George Hoak
Editing done by Jack Hayes


  1. Okay this is the best Callahan video so far. I'll report back in a few days if it still is as they're still coming out.

  2. 🏆🥏 Callahan Video Rating: 9.4 🥏🏆

    Intro: Callahan video starts with a Callahan, so that part is fitting. Great layout. However, a title card with School + Player name would’ve added to the intro.

    Song choice is great and fitting for this man laying his body on the line like every clip haha. By far the best video timed to the music as well.

    This guy has the most grit and ruthlessness of any video this year. Seems like he has no fear. Always going to the disc no matter what.

    The layout clap catches are fucking ridiculous, insane D this guy is a nightmare for the other team,

    Footage: quality is all between acceptable and great. Only poor quality footage used is compensated by an insane layout D like at 2:15

    Outro: song ends with the spike. Would’ve liked to see his accomplishments at the end with a photo or maybe a personality / leadership clip.

    But holy fuck, this wowed me.

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