@New York Islanders

Brock Nelson High Sticking Penalty Against Nikita Kucherov

All rights go to the NHL. I do not own the music and the footage used in this video. For entertainment purposes only.


  1. Good thing it’s not the regular season or Kooch would’ve had to go for 3 months of rehabilitation

  2. Sincerity is not Kucherov's strongest point.
    But, everything that is not forbidden is allowed
    Искренность не самая сильная сторона Кучерова. Но, все что не запрещено, то разрешено

  3. Take 1 ref off the ice, and put them in the replay booth with veto power. These knuckle draggers are still living in the stone age.

  4. Completely embellished, his reaction was later than when the stick would have hit him. The stick hit him in the upper padded area.

  5. People can bitch all they want about the call but maybe try to not lead with a cross check in front of you when you come together. Just freeze frame at 38 or 39 seconds and look at how high the stick is, and then you may ask yourself what the fuck was he thinking anyway.

  6. 0:30 am I the only one who sees it go straight to the Adam’s apple? Maybe not his fave but looks like he got his neck pretty good

  7. Doesn't seem to hit his face, I'd send them both to the box. One for embellishment, the other one for crosschecking (I still think it's not OK to shove the stick into someone's neck area, 'cause that's where Nelson's stick was headed) but refs don't have laser eyes or any replays for these minors.

  8. Soft call. You can’t call that penalty at that critical juncture of the game.
    Do better, NHL

  9. I dont understand the negative reaction to this at all. Nelson's stick rides up high and hits kuch in the neck, which he's obviously going to flinch at. Tons of salt and butthurt about the lightning recently.

  10. The same guy last year that gave an Islander a two-hander from behind as the Islander was scoring into an empty net and then cried when they came after him.

  11. Funny listening to cooper complain about not getting calls when you see garbage like this embellishment

  12. No respect for that kind of play from Kuvherov. Just play hard and put the puck in the net, this is hockey not soccer…

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