@Tampa Bay Lightning

Arron Asham vs Patrick Maroon Oct 10, 2013

Arron Asham vs Patrick Maroon from the New York Rangers at Anaheim Ducks game on Oct 10, 2013.


  1. I hear you, but, that would probably lead to even more accusations of staged fights in the NHL by idiots (non-hockey fans) who really don't know what the fuck they're talking about if they think there's really even such a thing as a staged fight in this sport.

  2. Best part about this fight Isn't about tko as there's none but the respect between two tough fighters.

  3. hahaha I love it!!!! they can't take off their own helmets so Asham is like, "here let me get that for ya…" .. brilliant!!!

  4. He most likely got the extra 2 min, but he's not gonna stand there and argue with maroon that he already took his own helmet off and that maroon should do the same.

  5. If asham fighting doesn't get you pumped up as a ranger fan or player, then something is wrong with you.

  6. I hope Asham gets back into the NHL. I'd love to see him go at it with Crombeen, Prust, and Rinaldo before he retires.

  7. Used to love how Asham would violently shake his right hand untill his elbow pad flew out of his jersey then he'd start really throwing rapid fire shots!!!…Lol!!

  8. Lol love how incompetent the announcers are sitting there talking about how you can't remove your own helmet and again when Maroon tells Asham to remove Maroon's helmet. Over looking the fact that Asham removed his own helmet at the very start yet at the end the announcers claim they removed each others helmets lol. Total amateur announcers

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