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Heineman, Kovacevic, Struble, and St-Louis address the media at practice | LIVE PRESS CONFERENCES

Head coach Martin St-Louis, Jayden Struble, Emil Heineman, and Johnathan Kovacevic addressed the media following practice at the CN Sports Complex in Brossard on Friday.

00:00 Head coach Martin St-Louis
08:16 Jayden Struble
15:05 Emil Heineman
22:36 Johnathan Kovacevic



  1. My last recommendation until the mid season.

    Anderson-Monahan-Armia….yes Anderson on the left side please…until the mid season…please

    But, it's the coach who makes the decisions….in the end

  2. Pauvre St. Louis c’est voué à l’échec quand tu gaspilles 2 ans de bas de classement et gagnes trop t’aura jamais les joueurs pour aller loin …

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