@Vancouver Canucks

Next-Day PGT: Vancouver Canucks at Chicago Blackhawks – 18 Dec 2023

VAN wins, 4 – 3 .

[ Boxscore](


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by HockeyMod


  1. gummibearhawk

    That game was worth staying up late to watch from Poland

  2. grooverocker

    3 out of 4 points on a back-to-back early game road trip? YES PLEASE!

    Canucks are locking it up. Adjusted for games in hand, Canucks are probably 4th-5th place in the league right now… We’re having a season from heaven, baby!

  3. shadownet97

    3/8 points so far on this road trip. Both Nashville and Dallas will want some payback for how we beat them in October and November, respectively, so let’s give them another L in their home buildings.

    Also, the Dallas game is on Thursday but fuck Jamie Benn

  4. IamPriapus

    Strong team. We’re not quite contenders, yet, but we’ve got the pieces to make a large enough dent to get noticed. Our team is far more aggressive than previous years. Using our size, well. Come after any of our guys and we’ll lower the boom. Joshua, Cole, Zadorov are all guys that not only contribute with the hits, but they can skate and have been very important to us. We’ve got all 4 lines contributing and our goaltending duo is defo top 10, if not higher. Grit, Depth and Goaltending are the main ingredients for playoff success and that’s what we should be looking at right now.

  5. xStickyBudz

    The Canucks are making me forget about the pain of being a Seahawks fan.

    This is a magical season and I’m loving every second of it

  6. electricnux

    We’re at 44pts and there’s 3 games left before Christmas. Getting to 50pts before Christmas break would be insane

  7. carry-on_replacement

    Seems like the team figured out how to play when tired and lock it up in the third. We probably won’t get away with playing that sluggishly against the elite teams but at least we won’t get blown out in scheduled losses. It’s a long season so these guys did well to pace themselves while getting results

  8. But man, Canucks don’t look dangerous but they strike with efficiency don’t they?

    Holy cow. Always spotting the other team double digits shots on goal while we have shots that we can count on one hand, but then you look at the scoreboard and we’re either leading or tied in goals for…

    Just a weird ass season.

  9. Griswaldthebeaver

    I’m gonna start skipping the first 10 minutes of the first lol


    Seriously though, clinical performance for much of the game. Well played 50ish minutes of hockey.

  10. TrustMeNothingBad

    I missed the game, but I watched the highlights and clips on YouTube. All I can say is that Zadorov is my hero.

  11. metrichustle

    All contenders have 3-4 dangerous lines. Canucks aren’t 100% contenders yet, but we are on the brink of it. Garland is an asset on the 3rd line and he’s really developing chemistry with Joshua.

    On D, I feel like we are a Hamhuis away. We have our Edler-Ehrhoff pairing, but we still need to get deeper.

  12. TheDutchin

    Joshua Whoever Garland is the best line in the NHL and its not close

    Seriously though the puck retrieval on that line is insane

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