@Dallas Stars

How To Easily Process Your Own Deer Meat

In this short video Dr. Grant Woods shares the way he cuts up a deer to easily process venison at home. After many years and hundreds (perhaps even thousands) of deer, he has learned the best, most effective way to remove the meat. Watch this video for suggestions on what type of knife to use, where to cut for easily removing meat, what not to include for better tasting meat along with many more useful tips. This video simply shows how to remove the larger cuts of meat. To record and show the removal of the rest of the meat would have been tedious and boring to watch. Please, if you are processing your own deer, take the time to remove the remaining meat which can be used to make burger, summer sausage, jerky, stew meat, etc.

Meat Processing Equipment –


  1. 6 yrs later….Ha….You shouldn't have just a sharp knife. You need SEVERAL Sharp Knive(s). Great V'log thank you

  2. I love watching this video every fall. I used to quarter and cook in big roasts until I saw this. First time I tried this it probably tripled the amount of meals I got and cut the waste from uneaten leftovers from way too much meat cooked at once in half! I've watched a bunch of videos and yours is by far the best! Dont ever remove this video, if you do I need a digital copy!

  3. Best deer process video on internet. I have to be careful when it comes to “hidden tenderloin” .

  4. Thanks for refreshing my memory. I used to do this when I was younger but with the rising cost of processing in my area I'll be saving about a $100 this year

  5. I finally have enough time and a place to process my own deer. Great video. I'm following your steps as I process mine!!

  6. Most importantly listen to what the creator is saying to you! Grand daughter at end of blood trail for buck i just shot 2 days ago "thank you for leaves, weeds, blood and horns…im your name amen! 3 years old twisting grass and throwing leaves the whole time! Best part of a wonderful 4 days bow hunting!

  7. Dr. Woods, I watch this video before opening day every year. I don't really HAVE to anymore (thanks to you) but I do anyway! Thanks!

  8. Just bought 30 acres full of deer – Glory to God. Now for hunting season to come around and WHAM! Gonna use your method!

  9. This is the video I first discovered that made me want to start processing my own deer. No more processing plants for me. All myself now. Over the years I've gotten good at it. That ball roast is a sirloin tip. The rump roast is a top round. The hidden tenderloin is an eye of round. And the next roast is a bottom round.

  10. I just wanted to thank you for your in depth video. I learned how to do every bit of the hunting process on my own and have been it for years. This was the video I referred to when first learning to butcher my own deer. I realized I never took the time to comment and thank you for your excellent guide. So, thank you very much for this wonderful video. Your channel is a staple in my house and you have a calm, easy to listen to voice. I hope the best for you and your family on their next adventure in life with the new property!

  11. Thank you so much for making this video. I have referred back to this for several years whenever its time to put some meat in the freezer. 🦌👍

  12. Bagged a nice red hind last night and needed to break it down quick since it is middle of summer. This vid was the best guide by far! No mucking around, exactly what I needed to know on the fly. Good info on the lymph nodes too, I would have missed those. Many thanks for this, still going strong after so long too!

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