@New York Rangers

The Four Horsemen of Lady Liberty

Just completed the collection!

by Gbeez22


  1. BeesVBeads

    Love it! I’ve got all but the first reverse retro in my closet. That’s my next target!

  2. thebanger71

    So glorious. That White Liberty is so clean. Living in Toronto my whole life, Rangers merch was hard to come by especially in the 90s. My dad’s friend had a sports store downtown Toronto. He got a White Liberty specifically for me but was unable to source the lettering so mine is blank. I was gonna get Graves on the back but it’s still a jersey I wear (yes 13 year old me weighed as much as 38 year old me I was a fatty)

  3. Ah, the logo looked higher on the classic liberty jerseys because the collar was lower.

  4. Chet-Harper

    The OG is still the best but the Ranger blue ones from last season have grown on me a lot

  5. NoeyBalbonzers

    Don’t forget the red practice ones!! Those were my favorite.

  6. TreeFugger69420

    Very nice. The OG navy and whites are so so nice

  7. cracka_azz_cracka

    I can’t put my finger on why but I’ve always hated the white liberty jerseys. Maybe because it’s just too white, like a logo on a blank page or something, I don’t know. But everyone else seems to like it so I’m probably wrong

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