@New York Rangers

Igor Shesterkin Needs Ref To Stop Play

Nothing like taking Ovi’s slapshot to the side of the mask

All rights go to the NHL. I do not own the music and the footage used in this video. For entertainment purposes only.


  1. As a female goalie with long hair that always gets in the way, I have never thought to of worn a head band until I saw this clip 😳

  2. Who the hell was the first guy to volunteer for goalie?
    "We just need a guy to stand here in the way of the solid circles that we fling at you at super high speeds. Any takers?"

  3. The abrasive foxglove apparently settle because whiskey philosophically book regarding a fancy board. hanging, wooden philippines

  4. Can we mention how awesome those Statue Of Liberty Jerseys look, just need the goals to wear Red pans and we’re good

  5. His name is Shestyorkin, not Shesterkin. Идиотская российская привычка не ставить точки над "ё" уже отражается на написании латиницей.

  6. Thats why you dont turn your head -.- masks meant to take the shot straight on. The sides not nearly as protective to a shot like that.

  7. If you get a whistle while in your defensive zone it should be a delay of game. Either let his team clear the zone or give them a penalty for killing the play while WSH still had the puck.

  8. Любит Овечкин своих бить. То Свечникова уложит. То вот Шестеркину влупил.

  9. What’s with every goalie having long hair but that headband thing he has there is a genius idea

  10. I've taken shots off the face from players with less than half his strength, and it kills. Cant imagine how much that hurt.

  11. I am a goalie in both hockey and box lacrosse, taking a shot like this to the bucket makes your teeth feel like there going to fall out, what’s worse though is taking 100 mph to the family jewels, makes sense why I’m 34 with no kids 🤣🤣

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