@Edmonton Oilers

Do the Oilers need to overpay for goaltending help? – OverDrive | Part 2 | Dec 20th 2023

Bryan Hayes, Jeff O’Neill, Jamie McLennan and Frankie Corrado are joined by Got Yer Back podcast host and former NHLer Jason Strudwick to discuss what he’s planning to buy the guys for Christmas, what his attire is when he’s at the mall Christmas shopping and a ton of hockey talk including if the Edmonton Oilers need to overpay for some goaltending help and get out from under Jack Campbell’s contract, whether or not the Vancouver Canucks would take or leave a second round playoff exit if they were offered it right now in OverDrive Arbitration and more. The guys also get an update on O-Dog’s gym routine and his progress to a healthier lifestyle and they play OverDrive favourite Role Play Level Of Concern.


  1. Strudwick says he doesn't see anyone really running away with the wild card spot…Nashville who's currently in 1st wild card spot right now has won 13 of their last 17 games, he doesn't see that as kinda running away with it ? 2nd spot Arizona just won last night as he said, plus they been playing pretty good lately too, and then there's Calgary who Edmonton also has to leap past as well is winning most of their games lately too(so much so that they're actually considering maybe not selling/trading their Dmen simply because they've been winning as of late. So for Strudwick to say he doesn't currently see any team running away with it for a wild card spot or a team that threatens the Oilers for a wild card spot, is ridiculous imo. I'm not saying Edmonton is not going to get the wild card spot or make the playoffs, also not saying they are going to make the playoffs, am just simply saying Strudwick claiming there's currently no team that he sees threatening the Oilers in snatching the wild card spot is absurd.

  2. Be like Detroit and the Canes and sign random goalies for free…Lol

    Or… the Oilers can do what one of the Oilers journalist said: 'Trade Campbell for Raanta, and maybe throw in a 3rd or 2nd round pick to get it done'. That's such a baloney deal suggestion, it's almost as absurd as saying maybe the Oilers will trade Draisatl, a 2nd round pick should get it done…Lolol

  3. Oilers just need a GOALIE who makes regular stops and not even the best goalie and they are a threat. YES! getting a shutdown defensive guy would improve their chances but SKINNER can't make regular stops some times and CAMPBELL is even worse. It's kinda SAD that they are wasting TOP players' primes.

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