@National Hockey League

Experience the difference 🤣

Experience the difference 🤣

by brolbo


  1. theOGUrbanHippie

    Wemby got a crop top and Connor gets a nighty rofl…

  2. hockeyholloway89

    Somehow their hands almost look the same size haha

  3. bored_person71

    Without beards neck and head he’s barely as tall as his belly button lol

  4. GoonieToons

    Imagine how long his stick would be. Imagine Wemby clappers from the point. Imagine a huge open ice Wemby hit.

  5. DestroyedLibtard

    Anyone else wondering think Webanyamas signature looks like actual scribbling?

  6. ZucchiniPleasant376

    One could be mediocre and make $250 million in a career. The other could be the GOAT and make less than half that 🤷‍♂️

  7. Chara vs Nathan Gerbe isn’t far off from the difference in height on these two.

  8. N8theGrape

    Bro looks like 3 kids sitting on each other’s shoulders.

    Vincent Adultman

  9. crentistthedentistt

    Let’s not forget that Bedard’s jersey has to fit over his pads as well…

  10. Independent-Wolf-832

    Good to see Chara’s finally getting some sun since getting out of Boston.

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