@New Jersey Devils

Devils D-shapes on all 6 EDM goals

Long form post alert! Just read the TL;DR for the message. I took a close look at our D formation and thinking on all 6 goals, to try to figure out what is going wrong.


We consistently overload 2 v 1 on D to force the puck recapture, and consistently leave an odd man in front, either 1 on 0, or 2 on 1. Even worse than this, our 3rd man back puck-watches or jumps in to make a 3v1 or 3v2, rather than being aware of the threats around him. Watch the eyes … almost always on the puck, not glancing around. Our other attackers are slow to collapse.

If we want to be ultra-aggressive on D, we cannot commit more than 2, and the other 3 need to think more like a 4v3 PK whilst that’s going on.

Let’s look at each goal. (To follow along, just play the video highlights from [](

# Goal 1

24 secs … Dump/chase down our left half board. Our 2 D’s pressure strong side, vs 3 EDM attackers. Our trailing center (Haula) drifting back,, other Devils wings still up-ice.

Puck battle behind net – 2v2 battle. Haula marking the net, but he gets tempted to jump in low to make a 3v2 overload. This leaves 3rd EDM attacker wide open at the back post. Puck comes across, and Schmid has no chance.

Analysis: with 2 behind net in a puck battle, 3rd CANNOT COMMIT. Must look for threats and hold shape until the wingers get back. Wingers need to sprint back to the slot and the strong side circle. If 3rd man back collapses into the puck battle, then we will leave somebody wide open.

# Goal 2

5m 20… 5 on 5 competitive in our D zone. 2 players pressuring strong side by right half boards (Bratt 63 and Marino 6). One player by the goal, marking man on man. 2 D in the center of the zone, watching puck, slow to stationary, marking nothing.

EDM with 1 on puck (half board), one by net, one rolling to the far post, one sliding back to the strong point, 5th on weak point.

EDM pass to the strong point (our right), net guy pulls to our right, far post guy is totally alone. We are now in a cross shape (1 high, three in line in middle, 1 back), against 2 points, 2 in front, and the passer on the boards. Our poor D-man in front was pulled man-on-man to the left (right out of shape), then flips to cover the higher threat in front of net, leaving the other attacker primed to score.

Just pre-shot from point, all 5 Devils are in no mans land. 2 in the slot protecting nothing. The 2 strong chasers split, one going up high but never getting to the point shooter. 4th chilling on the half boards, 5th between the 2 attackers. EDM’s shape – 2 points, with strong point shooting. One on half-board just finishing the pass. One right in front unmarked. Goal scorer pulling to our right, to pull our 1 D 8ft off the goal area. Shot comes in, our lone D (88 – Bahl) now has 2 to cover. He goes to the guy in front. Partial screen on Schmid, rebound, and the loose attacker puts it in all alone.

Analysis: when 2 commit to the board battle, the other 3 need to look around. Mark up the 2v1 threat at the back, other center guy gets in the slot. Cannot leave 2 v 1 overload right in front.

# Goal 3

1m 40 into p3. EDM played under control into our zone, right side. On this look, our D men stay in formation off puck, leaving the Devils forwards to pressure. So 1 Devils forward comes in to pressure the puck carrier half-boards. At this point, Devils D shape looks good, tight box in our right circle, 2v2 battle for puck in the right circle. Other D, our center and LW making a triangle in the slot, around 1 attacker. Other 2 EDM on the points.

Puck comes back to our right side point. Our center triangle has collapsed into a line. One D (Nemec 17) slow to realize one EDM attacker peeled off, so he out of position, allowing another 2v1 right in front. Poor Siegenthaler (71) in front of net again.

Point shot comes in through traffic. Siegs 71 caught between marking 2. Picks wrong one, turns, falls over, leaving the goal scorer all alone and taking forever to pick his spot.

Analysis: again, cannot leave 2v1 in front of net. Need to be more aggressive protecting the castle from a breakdown. We seem fine with a 2v2 becoming 2v1 to us, and ignore the loose attacker.

# Goal 4

2m 10 into p3…

EDM on puck, round the boards behind net and out to our right half-board. We go 1v1 on half-board. 2 together in the center, chilling (?), 2 D on the goal line. EDM – 3 strong side, 2 on their points.

We overload 2 attack to get puck. Third (Marino 6) hangs back on the board, expecting the puck to come to him. Other two are heads up, looking around – one high one low in slot.

We then overload 3v1 to get puck (same issue!), other 2 in middle. It works, we get puck and now we immediately get ready for transition, with LW and RW spreading out for passes. At this point, the left side is safe for an exit pass, and the right side is congested.

Horrible attempted pass from Bahl 88 by the goal line right side … attempting a little 10ft exit pass to #20 McLeod but it jammed him up, … straight to 2 EDM attackers in the slot. We have 3 together on the right side low, the 2 wingers spaced out and out of the play, leaving 2 EDM on the turnover. Goalscorer was all alone 1v 0.

Analysis: overcommitted to the recapture, and then picked the wrong side for the exit pass, then tried to be too cute with a short pass to an exposed player, with 3 attackers ready to pounce. Just exit to the left and this would not happen.

# Goal 5

Devils on attack, left D pinching hard. Right D came to center. Forwards all committed to the attack. As the rebound spun to our left (O-zone), we have 2 fwds below their goal line, #14 in the slot, left D pinching, right D hanging back in the center. EDM has 3 around their goal, RW picking up the puck, center breaking from his D slot. Puck now cleared past the pinching D, into a 2v1 breakaway center ice. Our 2nd D racing back to cover. Single goal scorer power move straight in … VV had to stop it, so on him.

Analysis: Can’t really complain about being aggressive, as we are trying to tie the game. Would have loved to see VV save this one though, as it was just a straight-in play. Felt like VV was too far left.

# Goal 6

Devils all alone recovering a dump. Luke (43) on puck in left corner goal line, right D Marino (6) wide right, with nobody within 40 feet of them. Lone EDM coming in. Horrendous bounce off boards (or pass, but I’ll say bounce), right into the EDM attacker. Marino out of position behind net expecting a pass, not a turnover, and leaving open ice to goal. He comes back but way too late to stop a 1 on 0.

Analysis: Didn’t matter much by now, but it shows the lack of awareness of the D-shape. The safety play for Marino here is to protect the castle, not roll down low for the exit pass.





1 Comment

  1. antiseptic123

    We have a terrible defensive system, with players who cannot do what the coach wants, and 2 goalies that seemingly can’t ever come up with a big save. It’s a recipe for disaster.

    If you have mediocre goalies you have to protect them. They do not do that. And the coaches seem hell bent on playing their way instead of adjusting to what they have.

    Coaches need to go first. If it continues to fail miserably goalie would be next up IMO. Because one defenseman won’t fix the inexperience of 3.

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