@National Hockey League

Clearly Brady Tkachuk has had a very easy life

Clearly Brady Tkachuk has had a very easy life

by cyber_dude


  1. athendofthedock

    Or maybe we can’t appreciate the pressure and stress that comes with carrying a franchise?

  2. I mean it’s definitely first world problems but when your whole life is dedicated to hockey and your team has been bad your whole career it is frustrating. He’s trying all he can to win games from what I’ve seen.

  3. elcabeza79

    Imagine the worst thing that ever happened to you was losing a bunch of hockey games.

  4. JerseyMD1982

    I’m sure he means in terms of his life in hockey. Shouldn’t we appreciate the fact that losing bothers him so much? We hear so many fans complain about athletes not caring as much as they used to, especially given how much money is involved today.

  5. MediumStrike9784

    As if most people don’t get deeply affected when their professional life is going poorly. I guess OP has a job where he doesn’t have to give a shit.

  6. IamPriapus

    Brady is 24 years old. Maybe I’m just an old man now at 40, but at 24, especially when all you’ve ever known is hockey, this is an entirely valid statement. He’s not been playing well. He’s definitely in his biggest slump, though he’s trying. He has every reason to feel this way. He’s just a kid. Don’t worry, Brady. There will be plenty of things over the next decade or two that’ll make you feel much much worse.

  7. RememberThatDream

    What do you want from him…”I hate losing but not as much as I hated my grandma dying. That was real pain. So this losing team is not a big deal! Miss you gran gran!”

  8. Intelligent_Neat8011

    24 year old and captain of a Canadian NHL team def puts a strain on the mental health

  9. It’s called hyperbole, ie not meant to be taken literally.

  10. Naive_Win_4806

    Sports: One of the few places you get paid millions of dollars to lose and then say it’s a hard life…

  11. momarketeer

    As much as I hate the sens and their fans of late, this post is stupid af.

    Brady has a ton of pressure.

    Stop sniffing glue

  12. linuxlifer

    This is a really stupid post lol. Obviously he means in terms of hockey.

  13. Cool_Guy_Club42069

    Of course he’s had an easy life. He grew up rich having everything handed to him. Losing some hockey games is probably the only “adversity” he’s ever faced in his life.

  14. MuskwaMan

    Raised by millionaire parents and everyone from atoms to novice to peewee and bantam and midgets and juniors knew his dad and wanted him on their hockey team. That’s the thing nepo kids don’t understand they think it’s merit when it’s dad that paved the way. They may have some talent but let’s not kid ourselves if they aren’t Tkackuk the road to the nhl was unlikely as there’s so many that don’t get the chance

  15. I love it when a post backfires. Just like this one!

  16. AdamAshhh

    So are captains not allowed to be sad or voice their feelings when their team is underperforming?

  17. no_baseball1919

    My dryer just broke, my sump pump just broke, and I lost some shingles and now my roof is leaking – all in the last week right before christmas. I understand his feeling

  18. FunImprovement166

    Why are the people on this sub so weird sometimes. We don’t need to pick apart everything a player says.

  19. Tell me a time when you had pressure and stress like he does OP.

  20. standby-3

    Touch grass people. He is simply trying to express the difficulty of the losing streak, not making a philosophical cross examination of each of your individual lives to his.

  21. stoverop99

    Both brothers are bratty little sh*ts. Their dad is an a**hole.

  22. White_Locust

    Hey OP, have you ever disappointed hundreds of thousands of people publicly?

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