@Chicago Blackhawks

Jack Johnson’s Cheap Shot on Steve Downie

Jack Johnson, highly touted defenseman for the US World Juniors hockey team, elbows Downie after an empty net goal at the end of the US-Canada game.


  1. That's a cheap gutless shot no matter who it was on. Although, I did have to chuckle when I saw that it was Downie. Karma is a beautiful thing. Johnson will get his in return.

  2. The ppl saying Downies talentless need to maybe follow another sport!!! Sure he's a dirty player but talentless are you dense??? If he were talentless he wouldn't have been on team canada Or I dunno maybe been one of the big contributors To there GOLD MEDAL!!! Of 07?? Fuck get facts straight!!!!

  3. yu ppl are retards if yu think downie sucks he led team canada the gold nd last year in ohl he got 92 points in 45 games (more then 2 points per game) retards look at THE STATS

  4. Jack Johnson is a stud. And Downie is no angel either, just ask Jason Blake. This loser has done nothing so far, but screw over his teammates by getting suspended for 25% of the season.

  5. all us canadian fucks that destroy hockey? We own hockey, and the americans have ruined it. no red line, goalie boundaries…higher scoring game. It was so much better years ago. Go fuck yourself, dont tell the people who know and own the game that were destroying it. Downie is a little bitch and he deserved it. He's the most disgraceful player in the NHL. Dont label canadians because of an asshole player like downie.

  6. An elbow to the head, is not touching someone?
    Damn, you learn something new everyday!!!

  7. Jack Johnson is just the stereotypical dirty player who's just not mature enough to take a loss. At least he didn't use his stick as an axe and tried to kill Downie.

    Downie was bloody awesome during that tournament, even though he's being a total douche in the NHL now.

  8. disgraceful = Sean Avery, Todd Bertuzzi, Claude Lemiuex, Chris Simon. Don't over react. This is good for the USA vs. Canada the "rivalry" has faded this just makes it better. just adds a little more fuel to the fire!

  9. There is no impact at all. An attempt is there, but Downie's head never moves. He skates by him and then drops to the ground.

    Are you an idiot or something?

  10. that's funny because Steve Downie is the king of cheap shots! GET OVER IT! This just adds more fuel to the fire of the US vs. Canada rivalry.

  11. downie is a scumbag, i love it how people think Sean Avery is the devil when there's people like downie, chris simon, and jarkko ruutu

  12. Jarkko Ruutu actually fights instead of turtling, and acting like a moron.

    Avery is lucky Phaneuf didn't get his hands on him after the sloppy seconds comment.

  13. Jack wouldn't have done that if Downie didn't slash him in the back of the leg right before that.

    Jack missed anyway.

  14. Am I seeing this right? Why the hell did they have an empty net in a 2-2 game? Someone please explain, this does not understand to me

  15. and now jack johnson is bankrupt , screwed over by his own parents and his agents , it's called Karma , piece of shit got what he deserved

  16. Steve Downie is such a piece of shit. after seeing one of his dirty hits I came here because this one feels so good.

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